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Archived Episodes

The Tracy L Clark Show: Live Your Extraordinary Life Radio

Part Two With Michael Santonato where we continue the conversation around money!

Join me, Tracy L, and our guest Michael Santonato with learning more around the energy of money and blockchain! If you missed last weeks show make sure you catch it before listening to part two~! Are you re... 

  Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Host: Tracy L Clark

Guest: Michael Santonato

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The Tracy L Clark Show: Live Your Extraordinary Life Radio

Fear or Intuition?

Have you ever wondered if you have held yourself back because you have mistaken your fears for your intuition?  Have you ever stopped yourself from achieving your goals because you misinturppereted the signs?&... 

  Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Host: Tracy L Clark

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Dr. James Rosenwald