Archived Episodes
05: Accountability Crisis:...
Join us today as we explore the accountability crisis and where it stems from. Are you frustrated with team members who shy away from taking ownership, leaving you stuck in a c...
133: What needs to be handled
Join us today as we dive into a tough but crucial conversation about the obstacles standing in the way of your next level of success. In this episode, we're asking THE hard question: Are you truly ready for t...
98. Unlocking Your Potential
Join us in this thought-provoking episode as we delve into the profound significance of personal development in making a lasting difference in the world. In a world where social impact and personal growth go hand i...
63. The Performance Edge
Join me today as I talk about the performance edge and the work I do as a High Performance Coach. Most of my clients are those who are trying to gain and create greater abundance, and joy, and love, and connection,...
The Power of Love Matters
The 6 Traits Needed to Accomplish What You Want in Life
58. I don't like her
Join me today as I share with you an invitation to examine your dislike. Have you ever not liked someone? I know I have, and I am guessing the majority of us at some point in our life have come across s...
46. The Journey to Awareness
Join me today as I talk about what the journey to awareness actually looks like. It is a HUGE topic in the personal development space. It is where all coaching stems from, this idea of awareness. ...
42. Why debt is keeping you stuck
Join me today as I share with you what I believe is the single most important resource we have. It is not time. It is not money. It is not our brain. And when we over expend it, over share i...
40. Why do we not do what we say?
Join me today as I share with you three ideas on why we don't do what we say and what to do to start. Why is that we have lofty goals, intentions and resolutions at the start of every year and by February we ...
34. 6 ideas to WIN this Month
Join me today on the show to learn 6 ideas to WIN this month. If you feel like you have lost your motivation, your drive, your purpose this show is for you. I am going to break down some ideas that I kn...
32. What is stopping you?
Join me today as I share with you the reasons we stop following our dreams. The reasons we stop trying to create the results we want in our life. The reasons we are not making the progress we would like....
30. Following through -...
How many times do we find ourselves saying we are going to start doing this or stop doing that and we excuse ourselves from our commitments? We tolerate not honoring our word. In fact, we have created a...
24. Live Lighter Part 4 - The life...
We are finishing up the live lighter series today on the last "clutter" I want to share with you and that is Behavioral clutter. I am going to bring some tough love to you today and I hope it is received with...