In this episode, Tanya Butson will take you through the life story of Louise Hay who was instrumental in initiating Tanya's healing journey and career. Louise Hay is an internationally renowned author and lect...
Take a journey with RIM Facilitator and Jungian Coach Jenn Schaefer. Forging A Life we go through initial shaping from birth to adulthood. We are formed by family and cultural conditioning as our inner ...
Miraya (like a ray of sunshine) Berke creates experiences that spark delight! From Berkley to New York City she found her niche creating events that bring joy. When the pandemic shut everything down in the spring o...
In this episode of Heart.Change.Consciousness., Trish dialogues with self-care coach Johanne Osias, owner of Chez Fabine "where happiness lives," about what makes her so passionate about self-care, what self-care r...
How many times have you said to yourself I am afraid? How many times have you had a great idea and you listen to everyone else's opinions and now you have doubt. You are not good enough you do not have enough money...