Archived Episodes
The Neural Net – Nice or Nasty?
Did you know that you can choose to train your brain just like you can train your body? Are you ready to take control of your thoughts? In this episode, Dr. Pat and I are going to explore how you can build your bra...
Calling All Autoimmune Warriors to Feed Their Souls!
Days for Autoimmune Warriors can be filled with medications, treatments, pain, fatigue, and meeting demands. Sometimes, it can start to seem that is all their is to life. We’re challenging each and every one ...
Finding a life purpose can change your life
When we have an autoimmune disease just getting out of bed can seem insurmountable. Add in going to a job we don’t like, and life seems insurmountable and often “not worth it.” Life doesn’t ...
Scalar Light & The Promise of New Healing Technology with Special Guest, Tom Paladino
This week on Episode 8 of The Path to Being Fifty and Free Show: "Scalar Light & The Promise of New Healing Technology" Join me with my Special Guest and
12: Scalar Light & The Promise of New Technology
What is the number one important thing for each person to focus on? ~ Our Health and our Healing. Our Wealth is in our Health. Everyone can benefit from what I am about to share with you. ...
An Energetic Perspective: Scalar Light & The Promise of New Technology
What if you could have access to the next new version of something that could change the world? It takes courage to be a pioneer. It takes a courageous choice to continue advocati...
Episode 12 - An Energetic Perspective: Scalar Light & The Promise of New Technology
What if you could have access to the next new version of something that could change the world? It takes courage to be a pioneer. It takes courageous choice to continue advocating...
Beauty from the Inside Out with Special Guest, Angela Herren
This week on Empowered Through Health join me and my special guest, Angela Herren. Angela is a driven beauty industry leader, health practitioner and entrepreneur.
It Feels Good to Feel Good: Take Back Your Health with Cheryl Meyer
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Many of us are, but we spend countless hours chasing doctor's trying to find the answers to combat the pain, fatigue and joint stiffness and all we are offered ...