Archived Episodes
God Is Who He Is
We are still in this powerful new series " Let Get To Know God! " During this episode, Angela will be sharing teachings from the Holy Bible that will lead people into a more intimate relationship with God. An...
The Sting of Invisibility Ushers in the Potential for Justice
Introduction Thank you for tuning in to the newest episode of InflexionPoint Podcast. We are dedicated to the art of listening in authentic conversation...
"The Power of YES" The Engineering of Yes
In this episode we continue with “The power of Yes” Series. Gabriela and Dr Pat guide you through the process to know what to say yes to, how to say yes in every step of the life engineering process and...
Finding a New Direction for Your Business
All businesses need a purpose. Without purpose or a direction, there's no way to properly communicate to prospective clients, employees and customers what you are all about. This episode's guest, Susan Rose, and I ...
Stop going through the motions, determine your purpose in life.
Ever feel like you are just going through the motions day after day? You sure are working hard, but find yourself thinking you would be farther along by now? Maybe you find yourself questioning the over...
The Technology of Intention with Kim Stanwood Terranova
We are a technological society, no doubt about it. Our devices keep us informed while isolating us from each other and from ourselves, our true selves. There is, however, another technology, an inner technology tha...
The Energy Entrepreneur: Create Your Energy Biz Plan for 2020!!! with Dianne Solano
A New Decade and a Clear Vision means 2020 is the time to take YOUR BUSINESS PLAN to the NEXT LEVEL!!! Join us for Part 2 of the Energy Entrepreneur and create your 2020 Energetic Business Plan based on the RESULTS...
The Four Purposes of Life with Dan Millman
On today's show, author Dan Millman addresses life's fundamental questions: "Why am I here?" "What am I meant to do?" "What is my purpose?" "What am I not understanding?" "Why does this keep happening?" "How shall I s...
Do You Know Your Calling?
Dr. Pat Baccili discusses the importance of having direction in your life in order to bust through that crust.