Archived Episodes
Encore: an Intimate Talk...
This show has been a long time coming! I am so excited to get to share with YOU - my Divine Partner, Best Friend, confidant - my wonderful husband Patrick. Join us as we share how we were connected on...
Encore: Intent is the KEY
So many layers of what some may call "The good Old fabric of of a Person, Society, Community: and relationships have drastically faded to the winds of changing times. This has been so apparent for man...
Encore: an Intimate Talk...
This show has been a long time coming! I am so excited to get to share with YOU - my Divine Partner, Best Friend, confidant - my wonderful husband Patrick. Join us as we share how we were connected on...
an Intimate Talk with Patrick &...
This show has been a long time coming! I am so excited to get to share with YOU - my Divine Partner, Best Friend, confidant - my wonderful husband Patrick. Join us as we share how we were connected on...
Encore: Intent is the KEY
So many layers of what some may call "The good Old fabric of of a Person, Society, Community: and relationships have drastically faded to the winds of changing times. This has been so apparent for man...
Intent is the KEY
So many layers of what some may call "The good Old fabric of of a Person, Society, Community: and relationships have drastically faded to the winds of changing times. This has been so apparent for man...
Be YOU, Unapologetically
In this beautiful episode I am joined by fellow Priestess Lighworkers Tami Jorden and @BetsyAbrams who shine in their own special ways in their day-to-day as entrepreneurs, friends, partners, moms, in all their wal...
Wings of Isis - The Goddess of Magic
Goddess Isis embodies the pure magic of devoted love. Isis is an ancient Egyptian goddess of love, fertility, resurrection and magic. Join us today with my special guest, Carolyn Jones,
The True Nature of Divine Love with...
What is the meaning of our lives? It is about love. It's not about making money, greed, hate, killing, etc. What is the Difference Between Love,...
The Illuminated Experience of...
Step 12 of The Practice of Living Awareness focuses on the Central Channel. This is the lighted core at the center of our Being. It is the primary avenue of alignment with the higher self. The Central Channel infuses ...