Dr. Scott Adzick discusses advancements in treating birth defects & how fetal surgery can help save & better the lives of many children worldwide. 1 in Every 33 Babies is born with a Birth ...
Dr. Hedrick is on hand to discuss advancing technology and how fetal surgery can help save and better the lives of many children worldwide. 1 in every 33 babies is born with a birth defect. *Ja...
Dr. Ingrid Taylor discusses scientific studies funded by NIH and continued funding of deadly experiments on animals. PETA is asking the NIH to begin by immediately reviewing the et...
Christina Riley discusses the EL Education literacy program results and how similar results can be achieved in other school districts. Why after 20 years of reform are student scores stagnant on the Nation’s ...
Julie Brown shares tips for taking positive action reaching your fitness goals! In 2020 Life Time is supporting Make-A-Wish in its mission to grant the wishes of children and the Life Time Foundation in its work to...