Archived Episodes
In this episode, Jacqueline and Chris take a deep dive into unseen forces shaping our world. They explore the concepts of polarity, consciousness and the drama triangle - three powerful lenses that reveal the hidde...
Encore: My Sin Addiction Caused My Mess: How Do I Proceed In Setting Things Straight?
On this episode of Awaken To Wellness With Angie, Angela will be sharing some encouraging and life changing teaching from the Word of God. It's true, we all struggle with a common addiction called sin, whether many...
My Sin Addiction Caused My Mess: How Do I Proceed In Setting Things Straight?
On this episode of Awaken To Wellness With Angie, Angela will be sharing some encouraging and life changing teaching from the Word of God. It's true, we all struggle with a common addiction called sin, whether many...
Our Discouragement Matters To God
As we journey through life, we are sure to experience discouragement. On this episode of Awaken To Wellness With Angie, Angela will be giving us some divine words of encouragement straight from the Book of Ezra. So...
Recovery & Healing Series: There Is More Power In "We" Than "Me"
On this episode, Angela will be continuing with her Recovery & Healing Series. She will be diving deeper into the Word of God to share spiritual truths and provide practical insignt to individuals who are on th...
Powerful Strategy to Let Go of Regrets
Regrets are a heavy load to carry. They can keep a person sick, bitter, and frustrated. They suck the joy out of our lives. In this episode Gabriela shares a powerful strategy to clear your regrets so you can feel ...
Forgiveness vs. Thank You
Explore the difference between forgiveness and thank you. Learn the components of both concepts and the role that each plays in your life. Quote: Forgiveness is a...
Nurturing the Heart: Self-Compassion and Forgiveness
Embark on a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery in this week's episode of 'Peaceful Wellness with Deb,' titled 'Nurturing the Heart: Self-Compassion and Forgiveness.' As we navigate the second week...
Let Go of Resentment and Start Manifesting
Understanding resentment: Why it is important and how to let go of it. Stay tuned for a wisdom nugget at the end!
Awakening Your Sacred Path to Living in Alignment
Every moment is a new opportunity to choose the frequency you want to live in. Energy works at light speed. You can choose love despite your circumstances. Love, light, and self-discipline...
Revolutionary Love; The Foundation of Self-Acceptance
In this episode, I will dive deep into self-love and self-acceptance. As I share insights on how I work with myself on these sometimes seemingly daunting tasks, I will also remind you of h...
Moving Through Fear and Letting LOVE Win!
In this episode, I will be speaking to the desires of the heart and how we often allow fear to get in the way of what truly means the most to us. By letting love win, we will witness more ...
Soul Transformation
We will talk about the revolutioanary healing modaltiy that allows you to heal you while having fun. We will talk with Jennifer Amanda Long on this very cool modality to core healing.
From Attacked, Kidnapped, and Traumatized, to Grateful and Thriving!
Have you ever wondered where the people are today from the headlines you’ve read about being attacked, kidnapped, abused, traumatized? Look no more, Trish Smith is that person. Today, she will take you on a j...
Uncertain Places: Essays on Occult and Outsider Experiences with special guest Mitch Horo...
Today’s leading voice of esotericism and the occult, Mitch Horowitz explores topics that evoke widespread misunderstanding, including the real history of secret societies, the wisdom of the Satanic, the relev...
Relationships – Transformation: Moving from Hurt to Healing!
How do you begin to heal when you have been hurt? Discussing the process to move from hurt to healing and overview of The Life Strategies Way!
What does it mean to you to Explore, Elevate, and Expand your Life?
Do you tend to push away the exploring of your doubts, discontents, discomforts? Do you just want them to go away?What if they are the clues of light to you discovering your true authentic self ...
The Magic of Self-care and Forgiveness
You have heard the safety announcement on airplane before right? I was a flight attendant for many years and repeated the announcement multiple times in a day not realizing it was a personal message to my internal ...
How do you Keep your Relationship Magic?
Remember the movie about TITANIC? The true story of the massive unsinkable ship that tragically crashed into an iceberg and went sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Completely unavoidable and deadly to so many. Alt...
How We Sabotage Our Magic
Imagine riding in a boat that just came out of a storm. The water is smooth, the weather is calm and the boat is heading to a destination that you have been trying to reach. You feel uncomfortable, it’s too p...
Redefining Love, Success and Happiness to Awaken Your Magic
Do you remember being told as a child that if you swallow a watermelon seed, a watermelon would grow inside of you? Or if you crossed your eyes, they would get stuck like that? As children we are very impressionabl...
You’re Healing
We as a people have done a lot of reflection over the last couple of years. Some of you have found your true calling in life, some of you may have set new boundaries for yourself and your family, some of you may fo...
Healing from Great Loss: Facing Pain and Grief to Recover Your Authentic Self with Ann Cl...
More is needed to recover from significant loss than simply the passage of time. The hurt does not go away unless we actively pursue healing. Written from the perspective of Dr. Michael Newton's Life between Lives ...
What Does Fighting For Your Marriage Look Like?
Marriage can consist of years of fighting negative thoughts that can cause you to question yourself and your marriage. Marriage can sometimes feel as if you are fighting to get the other person to simply love, unde...