health and wellness radio

Archived Episodes

Sacred Magic with Dr. Georgia Herrera & Dr. Sharon Martin: Two Doctors Bring In The Mystical & Sacred For Healing

Allow Magic In.

So many high vibrating, helpful energies exist, including the realms of Magic. And, so often, we do not allow their help. Access to our energy fields is our sovereign right; so, access to magic is our decis... 

  Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Hosts: Dr. Georgia Herrera, Dr. Sharon Martin

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The Healing Hour with Dr. Sharon Martin: Bridging the Mystical & Scientific™

Sacred Space -- the Sweet Spot

The world is spinning around us – how can we find relief?   Sacred space is where we come, sit, deepen, reflect, and connect to Spirit.  How can we make a space holy – a portal to... 

  Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Host: Dr. Sharon Martin

Co-Host: Dr. Pat Baccili

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Dr. James Rosenwald