Archived Episodes
Creating Your Own Luck: The Energy of Opportunity & Alignment
In this episode of Release Your Potential Now with Jane, we explore the energy of luck and how you can shift your mindset and vibration to a...
The Secret to Effortless Freedom
Ready to break free from life's silent struggles without the battle? In this episode, discover how true liberation unfolds naturally when you shift from forcing change to flowing with divine timing. Learn how to re...
Mastering the Moment
Presence and Power in the Quantum Field Watch
Understanding Your Power to Create the Life You Desire
Let's get back to the basics of manifestation! Your thoughts, beliefs, actions, and experiences create your life. Do you understand your power?
Dream Big. Act Boldly. Ditch the HOW!
In this episode of the "Living Your Genius Show," we delve into the captivating journey of dreaming big and acting boldly to craft a life beyond the constraints of 'how.' Many individuals experience a profound long...
All about affirmations!
In this video, I dive into the magic of affirmations—how to use them, what to say, and how to create your own personalized affirmations. Discover why affirmations work and how they can transform your mindset ...
The Spirituality of Yes
In this captivating episode, Gabriela explores the parallels between two frameworks for understanding how spiritual energy descends and manifests in the physical world and how to truly access the power of yes in th...
Aligned Vibes
Navigating Your Creative Frequencies Watch
Believing in "Impossible Things"
What’s possible to overcome when you believe that nothing is impossible? The answer: Everything! Now is the perfectly imperfect time to live your Happily Ever NOW, not AFTER everything else is perfect. I...
#07 How relationships unleash our subconscious superpowers
In this podcast episode, I have a conversation with two amazing women who work in the health and wellness field. Maritsa Kelley is a therapist, coach, and educator for other therapists and coaches. Kelly Tangarife ...
Journey into the world of manifestation with The Creation Frequency
Welcome to The Creation Frequency, the podcast where we explore the power of affirmations, manifestation, and the science of frequencies and energy. Join us on this powerful jo...
RESURRECTION: Book One; the Manifestation Trilogy: A Channeled Text with special guest Pa...
Channeling the voices and wisdom of the otherworldly Guides, Paul Selig offers a way to expand your view of reality and move towards ultimate manifestation. In 1987, a spiritual experience left Paul Selig cla...
Encore: Stop Living on Autopilot. Start Living on Purpose!
Are you going through life with the same basic routine, feeling like your life has no purpose? Over the last two years, many of us have been on autopilot, just going with the daily flow. You don’t want to do ...
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Co-Hosts: Courtney A. Kittrell, Dr. Pat Baccili, Courtney A. Kittrell, Dr. Pat Baccili
The Secret That’s Holding You Back with Vincent Genna
Become Unstoppable! What’s Holding You Back? Psychic therapist and medium Vincent Genna explains the mechanisms and processes at work—your brain has unconsciously created blocks that sabot...
Kabbalah of Light with Catherine Shainberg
Catherine Shainberg's book, Kabbalah of Light - Ancient Practices to Ignite the Imagination and Illuminate the Soul, shares 159 short exercises and practices to tap instantly into your subconscious mind and receive...
Manifest and Rediscover with Tiffany Watkins
Realizing the path you’re on isn’t leading you anywhere near where you want to be in life can be confusing and scary. Let’s talk about the ways that you can redirect yourself and transform into th...
Angels Help you Blossom with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
May flowers are in bloom. Is your life purpose in bloom as well? Angels will help your life blossom into a higer-purpose reality. Bradley, Angel of Purpose, assists in a search to identify a life's path and encoura...
Tribes of Light: A Roadmap To Manifesting Miracles In Your Life with Adrienne Cobb
Did you know you have your very own personal Tribes of Light, guiding you in the best life path for you at all times? They are your greatest support system and love you unconditionally. They were with you when you ...
Stop Living on Autopilot. Start Living on Purpose!
Are you going through life with the same basic routine, feeling like your life has no purpose? Over the last two years, many of us have been on autopilot, just going with the daily flow. You don’t want to do ...
Machine Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm: Spiritual Freedom and the Re-animation of Ma...
Examines the role that machines play in the struggle between “spiritual man” and “mechanical man” throughout the ages In this sweeping exploration of the history of the machine as a tool, as...
Angels and Goddesses : Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence with Crystal Pomeroy
This book is all about connecting with archangels and their twin flame goddesses. You will discover seven pairings of angels and goddesses with dozens of hands-on invocations, prayers, mandalas, visualizations, and...
Creating Heaven on Earth with Martin Rutte
We all want to create a better world. But what if we each had the power to create Heaven on Earth? International speaker, consultant, and co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work, Martin Rutte joins me ...
Committed Choices lead to transformation with Guest Mary Zahorsky
Today, Mary and I will take you on a journey of discovery around creating the choices and manifesting the changes you want in the new year. Watch live on Facebook.
You CAN be happy now
Bust the myth that things will be better when you act differently or when circumstances change, and start to embody the powerful creator that you are in the present moment.