Archived Episodes
A Modern-Day Vision Quest Part 5: Signs, Synchronicities, and Sedona: From Skeptic to Bel...
Part 5 continues with real-life stories about the segue I made from the Personal Growth stage to the Self-Discovery stage and now Enlightenment. As you may recall, I had two key...
A Modern-Day Vision Quest: Stories of Growth, Discovery, and Enlightenment, Part 4 - 1st ...
Thank you so much for joining. What an honor it is that you chose to share time with me. This podcast series uses the art of story telling to share one of the most amazing adventures in life, what I refer...
Confronting Our Mortality Part 1: We Are All Going To Die, So Let’s Learn About It
My life's research on the topics of Hu...
An Authentic & Candid Conversation about Personal Growth, Self-Discovery, & Enlightenment...
There are those who have made major strides to develop their Human Potential. They serve as inspiration and role models for others seeking to Ignite Their Own Potential and on the path of Personal Growth, Self...
Uncover the meaning of your life
Your purpose is already within you, all you need to do is listen as it reveals itself to you instead of figuring it out from the head. Claudia-Sam shares what her purpose is, how it was revea...
Spirit Speaks - Shamanic Connection
Does your life sometimes feel meaningless, like a journey without purpose? We all have a purpose in this life. As we strive to find what that purpose is our trauma and d...
The True Nature of Divine Love with Tom Lumbrazo
What is the meaning of our lives? It is about love. It's not about making money, greed, hate, killing, etc. What is the Difference Between Love,...
What is Our Life Purpose Here on the Earth Plane?
Most people ask this question at some point in their life, and some are lucky enough to figure it out early on. This show will help explain why we are born and do we each have an individual life purp...