Archived Episodes
The Election? What to do now...
This election was shocking to many people! There were so many things that didn’t make sense. There is a huge gap in perception between the winners and the losers! Is there a perspective that can b...
Light and Dark – essential...
There is also a theory of light and dark that says the dark is necessary to appreciate life and dark energy helps the soul or Essence yearn to return the eternal home. We have a diff...
Clearing Moves – is it the best way?
We’ve shown examples of moves that are a physical expression that removes negative energy! Traditionally, we remove negative energy with clearing statements, but many people have sho...
Negative energy – does it have a...
We recently did a show about “what’s the point?” and had a very positive response. Most people would love to get up every day knowing who they are and their purpose...
Negative energy – does it have a...
We recently did a show about “what’s the point?” and had a very positive response. Most people would love to get up every day knowing who they are and their purpose...
Enneagram versus Astrology – we...
Both of these are personality typing tools that give you insights into your personality, but they represent vastly different things. One represents negative energy attached to you and the other represents the...
Are You Blocked? It’s the...
The secret to unblocking you is understanding and eliminating the Sandwich Effect of dark energy. I’ve noticed after working with clients for 20 years that dark energy is ALWAYS mixed up with positive energy ...
Are You Blocked? It’s the...
The secret to unblocking you is understanding and eliminating the Sandwich Effect of dark energy. I’ve noticed after working with clients for 20 years that dark energy is ALWAYS mixed up with positive energy ...
Negative energy - our intuitive...
We’ve never talked about negative energy directly. What is negative energy or dark energy? Knowing about negative energy is critical because whatever you want ...
Mass Shootings – Real insight and...
Jason and Patricia are skilled Intuitives who have been working with clients for over 20 years and created The Ecosystem Approach! They were upset with the current wave of mass shootings so they channeled the Vegas...
Wac a mole - if you can...
This carnival game is the perfect metaphor for your life but most people don’t see it. Do you feel like you fix one thing and then another problem pops up? Do you know why? If you understood the reason there ...
Discovery part 1 - the amazing...
This discovery will call into question many commonly held beliefs. It’s about the dysfunction contained in your soul or Essence.
Spiritual PTSD
On today's show Carol and Justice talk about Spirirual Post- Trumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) how the aura retains certain energy and replays it. Tune in to hear about s...