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Archived Episodes

Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Wild n Crazy Friday: Readings and Prizes! Be Sure to Join Us

Friday's Psychic Love Doctor Show is going to be a *blow out* of an hour!  Personal Prophesy card readings will be conducted on the air. (Call in during the show or email me with your questions:  

  Friday, August 26, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Wondering How Someone From the Past Feels About You? Lets find out with a reading! Also ...

Have you ever wondered how someone from your past feels about you - especially after some time has passed? Perhaps it's a romantic partner from the past, a good friend you drifted away from or just someone special ... 

  Friday, August 12, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Encore: Hello, FRIDAY - time for readings, insight and advice!

You think you've met the *right* one for you. Is he or she intuitely destined to be the one who ultimately makes your hopes and dreams come true?  Let's find out by conducting a Personal Prophesy reading that ... 

  Friday, July 22, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Hello, FRIDAY....time for readings!

You think you've met the *right* one for you. Is he or she intuitely destined to be the one who ultimately makes your hopes and dreams come true?  Let's find out by conducting a Personal Prophesy reading that ... 

  Friday, July 15, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Encore: How Social Media Can Ruin Our Relationships

Personal Prophesy readings strike right to the core of what's really happening in our lives. If we are spending too much time and energy focused on social media, how is this impacting our real life relationships? 

  Friday, July 8, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

Guest: Stacy Ketsdever

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Hello, FRIDAY - time for readings, insight and advice!

You think you've met the *right* one for you. Is he or she intuitely destined to be the one who ultimately makes your hopes and dreams come true?  Let's find out by conducting a Personal Prophesy reading that ... 

  Friday, July 1, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Let's Find Out - How Does He or She Really Feel About You Intuitively

You think you've met the *right* one for you. Is he or she intuitely destined to be the one who ultimately makes your hopes and dreams come true?  Let's find out by conducting a Personal Prophesy readi... 

  Friday, June 24, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

33 Years and Counting: How to Stay Married for the Long Term and Living with a Partner's ...

What does it take to not only be married but to stay married for three - count 'em, three! - decades in what is essentially an easily disposable, transient society these days?  Adding to the ... 

  Friday, June 3, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Encore: Let's Talk Relationships, Career Pursuits, Friends, Family Issues and More!

This week's show kick-off topic is: Why do I keep attracting the wrong people?   We'll discuss at the start of the show how these "wrong" people come into our lives, how they impac... 

  Friday, May 20, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

What Does the Future Hold for You?

Live on-the-air Personal Prophesy card readings and unique intuitive insight is offered into romantic relationships, career pursuits, friendships, you name it!   Call in for your reading or ema... 

  Friday, May 13, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Encore: How Social Media Can Ruin Our Relationships

Personal Prophesy readings strike right to the core of what's really happening in our lives. If we are spending too much time and energy focused on social media, how is this impacting our real life relationships? 

  Friday, May 6, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

Guest: Stacy Ketsdever

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Psychic Soup! This, That & Everything In Between Plus Pamela Hopkins and Live Card Readin...

Please join us for Psychic Soup - a mixture of This, That and Everything In Between - including celebrity insights and live Personal Prophesy card readings for those who call into the show!   ... 

  Friday, April 29, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

Guest: Pamela Hopkins LCSW

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Let's Talk! Personal Prophesy Card Readings Offered Live on Every Subject and Situation ...

Call in for a live reading during this show!  Between calls, Deborah will discuss her history with Personal Prophesy card reading and the meaningful insights she's gained over the past three decades conducting... 

  Friday, April 22, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

How to Change Your Life...Right Now

  Wouldn't you love to live the kind of life where you can get out of bed in the morning and feel happy to be alive?   We'll be sharing all sorts of tips on clearing and ... 

  Friday, April 15, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Let's Work on the Problems and Struggles in Your Life!

Feeling stressed out? Got some heavy issues on your mind? Feeling alone - or maybe a little like the "fool" since April Fools Day?  

  Friday, April 8, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

How Social Media Can Ruin Our Relationships

Personal Prophesy readings strike right to the core of what's really happening in our lives. If we are spending too much time and energy focused on social media, how is this impacting our real life relationships?... 

  Friday, April 1, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

Guest: Stacy Ketsdever

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Encore: Navigating New Relationships and the Subtext of Passion - what's the secret?

During this show, we'll reveal the ten intuitive tips perceived from the cards in Personal Prophesy readings that enable new relationships to gain a solid footing in our lives. And as for pass... 

  Friday, March 25, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Keeping Relationships Sexy: Let's Explore the Sexual Frontier!

Just about everybody tends to be a little curious and interested in how to keep relationships sexually passionate while also tip-toeing a bit into that vast and mysterious "sexual frontier."  ... 

  Friday, March 18, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Trust in Relationships: Building It and Keeping It

Do you have a personal struggle with trust?  Have you thought you were beginning a healthy relationship with a huge amount of trust only to find that it wasn't true at all? Do you worry that you may never be able... 

  Friday, March 11, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

Guest: Pamela Hopkins LCSW

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Let's Talk Relationships, Career Pursuits, Friends, Family Issues and More!

This week's show kick-off topic is: Why do I keep attracting the wrong people?We'll discuss at the start of the show how these "wrong" people come into our lives, how they impact our lives and... 

  Friday, March 4, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Had a Rough Start With the New Year? Call in and we'll work on it with a reading!

New Year's Eve tends to be wonderful - so much to celebrate and enjoy!Then the New Year dawns, bringing tons of struggles and strife. How to see your way through it all?Jo... 

  Friday, February 19, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Making the Most of Your Life: Are You Where You Should Be in Terms of Love, Happiness an...

Personal Prophesy readings are highly inspirational and motivational from the intuitive level. They also offer true clarity intuitively when it comes to what we hope for and dream of in terms of our lives for the futu... 

  Friday, February 5, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Encore: Navigating New Relationships and the Subtext of Passion - what's the secret?

During this show, we'll reveal the ten intuitive tips perceived from the cards in Personal Prophesy readings that enable new relationships to gain a solid footing in our lives. And as for pass... 

  Friday, January 8, 2016

Host: Deborah Leigh

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Psychic Love Doctor Show with Deborah Leigh and Intuitive Co-host Daryl

Christmas Wishes and New Year Dreams

Personal Prophesy card readings are extremely accurate when it comes to the true potential of what we wish for in terms of our lives. These readings are just... 

  Friday, December 11, 2015

Host: Deborah Leigh

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AJ Speiginer - Twin Lightz