Archived Episodes
Detoxify and Electrify with this Unique deep earth substance! Special guest Frederick Foster
Take a journey with us while we dive into the world of restoring the balance of human chemistry. where the composition of our bodies can be ...
Believing in "Impossible Things"
What’s possible to overcome when you believe that nothing is impossible? The answer: Everything! Now is the perfectly imperfect time to live your Happily Ever NOW, not AFTER everything else is perfect. I...
Maximize Your Healing Power with Dr. Sharon Martin
What if you could heal yourself? Dr. Sharon Martin's new book Maximize Your Healing Power releases may 23! Watch
Live Healings
Tonight join me as I do some free healings..
An Amazing Journey through Self Healing - Michele Phillips
During a time where there is so much confusion and even division on Health Matters it will be such a breath of fresh air to share a story that shows how We can defy all odds and Self Heal! The DIS Eas...
Self Realization and The Inner Child: Part 10 with Kornelia Stephanie and Nadine Searle a...
Self Realization and the Inner Child Part Ten with Kornelia Stephanie and Nadine Searle with special guest Trish Campbell. Have you connected with your inner child? The one who has been cryin...
Changing Negative Thoughts- Your power, Your Choice
The average person has between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts per day. Approximately 95% are the same redundant thoughts as the day before, and nearly 80% ...
Changing Ourselves to Change the World: Self-Healing as Activism
How do we become the change we want to see? This episode discusses the importance of doing our inner work alongside of external actions to actualize collective social transformation. Watch live on Facebook....
Tap into the power of calm
We are living in unprecedented times where we are facing countless challenges, but also opportunities for significant change.
Letting Go is Hard to Do
In this podcast I talk about how challenging it can be to let go of people or situations in our lives that no longer serve us. As we continue to evolve we sometimes come to the realization, that our friends aren't ...
What's My Body Score?
In this episode, Michele interviews Daina Kahu, an inspiring Body Relationship Coach who shares her insights about how we can nurture our relationships with our bodies. She takes us through a simple, but very illum...
The Art of Anchoring into Your Body to Activate Your Hidden Self-Healing Gifts!
Understanding and Working with the Life-Changing Power of the HeartBreath Meditation Watch live on Facebook.
In this Podcast I share about my story of not belonging from my childhood growing up in Connecticut. Many people are feeling intense emotions at this time of not belonging, not being seen or heard, or even feeling ...
Self Healing - accessing your natural healing power of Essence
What is the natural healing power of Essence? Many natural healing is discredited as "unproven" but what does that really mean? Why traditional medicine wants to discredit natural healing and how you can use it qui...
Full Spectrum Breathing - An Interview with Monika Reimann
Monika Reimann is the founder of Full Spectrum Breathing. This is a modality which uses breath as a powerful re-set tool, to move you towards more ease, and a better quality o...
Bodyscan Healing Meditation
In this episode, Michele Cempaka guides you through a powerful body scan meditation for deep relaxation and self healing. You wi...
The Frequency of Love
In this 3rd episode, Michele channels a new Helping Spirit that shares her divine f...
How to Disconnect From the Collective Consciousness of Fear
In this episode, Michele Cempaka introduces herself & guides you on a beautiful grounding meditation. She then shares with you a potent tool so you can easily disconnect from the collective consciousness and un...
Alexis Brink author of The Art of Jin Shin!
The Japanese ancient healing art of Jin Shin, balancing your body and heal yourself with your own hands, clear step by step Illustrated guide written by a trained expert with three decades of experience.
Heal Your Self Connection
Silvia Bladt shares her amazing story of how she faced and moved through Cancer not once but TWICE, only to have her life fall apart in every other area. Yet she is still smiling still victorious. She us...
Encore: Who is Archangel Ariel?
Archangel Ariel’s name means Lioness of God. A magnificent angel ...
Who is Archangel Ariel?
Archangel Ariel’s name means Lioness of God. A magnificent angel ...
A Divine Journey Part 2
Dr. Brie will explain how she was able to handle all the Mental, emotional, spiritual and the physical effects. Years of transformations and why were they so necessary? Now it is 2018 Brie is so honored...
You're not old at 90 it's just the belief you have that you're old. Loving living life at...
A ninety-year-old going on 70 after 61 years of marriage suddenly faced loss and deep loneliness, with a belief that I ‘m too old and now what. Yet the universe orchestrated a beautiful scene in the movie of ...