health and wellness radio

Archived Episodes

The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice

Healthy Thinking, Happy...

How would you feel if you woke up excited, full of energy, and ready to take action every day confidently? If you had discovered your purpose, ... 

  Friday, December 9, 2022

Host: Diane McClay

Guests: Denise Stegall , Suzanne Taylor-King

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The Crooked Climb with Denise and Suzanne: Life and Business are not Linear

Why You 'Aint Getting None...

We all take sleep for granted and believe that we can "catch up" on lost sleep. The truth is you can't!  Quality sleep is something to strive for every night for your healthy, happy life and business. The... 

  Friday, February 26, 2021

Hosts: Denise Stegall, Suzanne Taylor-King

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The Crooked Climb with Denise and Suzanne: Life and Business are not Linear

Nourish, Move, Be: The Key...

Three Key Components to Maximize Life, Career and Relationships: In a normal year life is hectic and each year we make the same resolution. This year is going to be different! We are always looking for new ... 

  Friday, January 8, 2021

Hosts: Denise Stegall, Suzanne Taylor-King

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Dr. James Rosenwald