Archived Episodes
From Patient to Warrior: The Autoimmune Revolution.
Autoimmune patients live with ongoing uncertainty, pain, and symptoms. They can easily fall into a state of depression and anxiety and eventually hopelessness and victimhood. However, if they can shift their identi...
From Darkness to Dawn: A Journey through the Soul's Trials
Welcome to this week’s episode of Transformation Talk Radio, where we delve into one of life’s most profound experiences: the Dark Night of the Soul. Often described as a period of deep inner turmoil an...
Autoimmune Warriors Unite
We are calling all autoimmune warriors to unite. If you have any of the over 100 known autoimmune diseases we want you to join us today and learn to create your amazing life regardless of where you are in treatment...
Addiction and Intimacy: The Missing Link
90% of addicts begin their addiction before the age of. This presentation will reaffirm that without healthy emotional connection in childhood, the individual will trust addiction as their coping mechanism instead ...
It is not what it looks like!
Did you ever try to change something about yourself, your life, your family but found yourself ending up in the same kind of situation, habit or the same unwanted results? What if I told you that you were unable to...
Social Media Use May Be Tied to Increase of Depressive Symptoms in Adults with Marni Goldman
Research suggests that social media use may impact mental health in adults as well. Researchers found that social media platforms, including Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok, were associated with an increased likelih...
007: Stomach Pain? | What is The Body Trying to Tell You
If you’ve ever experienced feelings of gut pain, you know how uncomfortable and at times debilitating it can be. From gas and bloating to nausea and constipation, the gut can tell you a lot about your overall...
A Modern Approach to Menopause: ending the stigma of mid-life with Susan Dolci & Leone Dyer
More and more women are driving the conversation around menopause demanding better health care and refusing to experience the menopause of their mothers. It’s time to stop treating menopause like it’s a...
Bed Bugs-Latino! Work Place Diversity-Freeman! Plaque Psoriasis-Avendano & Dr. Soung! Ach...
Joseph Latino reveals the results from the Allery Technologies' Affordable Housing Control and Prevention Program (ATAHC) and offers tips for preventing infestation in homes, dwellings and while tr...
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Joseph Latino , Carrie Freeman , Allan Avendaño , Dr. Jennifer Soung , Chandler Crews
How to Boost Your Energy and Mood When You Are Suffering with Hypothyroidism/Hashimoto's ...
On this episode of Empowered Through Health with Dianne Solano and Special Guest & Inegrative Nutrition Health Coach, Bethel Wagner join us for a show all about Hashimoto's Diease / Hypothyroidism.
The 1st Amendment - Freedom of Speech: The 60s and today - What a difference a half of ce...
The First Amendment says this but has never really been our story to Peaceably Assemble. This country started with one of the largest protests in our history. The Boston Tea Part and then The Revolution. ...
Signs and Symptoms of Denial and Codependence
Can you recognize the signs of denial or codependence in you or in others? What are the ways to begin the process of healthy behavior? Listen to this very important episode.
Seven Ways That Circumcision Damages Your Mental Health – The Signs You Need To Look Out ...
Psychological Effects On Infants and adolescents and Post Tramatic Stress Disorder
Nursing – World’s Most Honorable Profession or Greatest Karmic Trap?
Nurses are burning out at an alarming rate, finally it’s being studied and changes are being made. System changes are warranted, but we must get to the root cause. Nurses, discover the truth about what’...
Victory over Aging: Balance your Hormones Naturally (No Pills or Injections Please)
As we age everyone wants to maintain our youthful energy look great feel great be the best version of you. Hormonal imbalance causes accelerated aging. Hormone injection therapy is expensive and has serious side ef...
Getting to the Core Issues of Your Physical Symptoms
Do you have Back pain, Knee pain, Shoulder pain, Joint pain, Overall Stiffness, Digestive Issues or whatever it may be? What is the answer? Call 800-930-2819 to get some answers.
Spiritual Awakening Signs and Ascension Symptoms
Remember that old saying… "We are human beings not humans doings...
Tackling Ticks and Lyme Disease in Pets with Dr. Osborne
It's that time of year when you and your pet are spending more time outdoors. Ticks can become an issue for your pet and for you.
Encore: Tackling Ticks and Lyme Disease in Pets with Dr. Osborne
If your pet loves the great outdoors, ticks can become an issue for your pet and for you.
Encore: Tackling Ticks and Lyme Disease in Pets with Dr. Osborne
If your pet loves the great outdoors, ticks can become an issue for your pet and for you.
Guest Host LeRoy Malouf - How Does Energetic Clearing of Symptoms Happen?
LeRoy sits in for Colette today and discusses how our symptoms disappear or are cleared. Our normal experiences are that when we are ill or in pain that our body will return to wellness in time. What about cases where...
Tackling Ticks and Lyme Disease in Pets with Dr. Osborne
If your pet loves the great outdoors, ticks can become an issue for your pet and for you.