Archived Episodes
The Willingness for All to Accept Devine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energies - Part 2
On a previous show, we talked briefly about balancing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies, but more examples and additional thoughts exist. During this time of The Great Shift of Consciousness, the Ch...
Have you ever thought why people come into our lives, then leave, and then return again
I often wonder why people come into our lives and then leave. Then as time passes, they return months or years later. Is there something on this journey of returning friends? Many of us are intutitive althoug...
Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, Keeping the Balance: why are both energies so neede...
The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine is so important right now. Men, are feeling exculded from the journey of The Great Shift of Counscioness. The Goddess Emergence includes the Divine Masculine that...
Five Goddess Sisters, why were they in Silence? What was the purpose of it all
The five Goddess Sisters are in silence. Pele' Marriha, Quan Yin, Isis, Gaia, and Goddess Belle are here. They all underwent a physical and emotional transformation during the last five years, learning to work in t...
Living with the Elementals, how are they here to help us evolve to the next level of cons...
Do you believe that faeries have rich and diverse origins in global folklore? Many do; they have come to assist us on this amazing Earth. Over time, they became associated with nature spirits dwelling in forests, h...
A Goddess View on a New Year evokes imagery of renewal, empowerment, and timeless wisdom
She watches the earth, a sphere reborn from celestial heights, in the cradle of worth. Her gaze is calm, her spirit serene, and she weaves hope through the unseen fabric. A Goddess Love is Nurturing, Spiritual Love...
Healing from The Spiritual Blueprint. Why was it so important During the Holidays, it is...
We agree to follow the path the creator has given us. How does the Spiritual Blueprint Relate to this in your healing journey? During the Holidays, it is easy to fall off the Spritital Blueprint due to fami...
Healing from the Spiritual Blueprint.
Healing from the spiritual blueprint is a very spiritual yet scientific procedure. Dr. Brie will speak about healing from cellular consciousness following your spiritual blueprint to heal. The spiritual blueprint i...
From the Shadow to Goddess Emergence with Special Guest Dr. Pat Baccili, Ph.D.
Listen as Dr. Brie Gibbs, Ph.D. shares what the Creator set in motion for her return from the shadows, to healing, to emerging, to Transformation Talk Radio™ and The Transformation Network™. ...