In this captivating episode, Gabriela explores the parallels between two frameworks for understanding how spiritual energy descends and manifests in the physical world and how to truly access the power of yes in th...
During the weekend we received a message in our chat from a woman inquiring about the upcoming thetahealing course. In the chat she shared that she had sessions with one of the Thetahealers...
During the weekend we received a message in our chat from a woman inquiring about the upcoming thetahealing course. In the chat she shared that she had sessions with one of the
Jimmy Mack believes that all change begins and ends with us working on ourselves and that everything is energy. He knows, and he teaches others, how to get a clear answer on whether our energetic frequency is vibratin...
Jimmy Mack believes that all change begins and ends with us working on ourselves and that everything is energy. He knows, and he teaches others, how to get a clear answer on whether our energetic frequency is vibratin...