health and wellness radio

Archived Episodes

The Ecosystem Approach Show with Jason & Patricia Rohn: A revolutionary way to infinite potential!

The Ultimate Love!

Self love is a cliche because many talk about it but few really understand what it is!  Most see it as a mild form of self-indulgence and pampering but frankly that&r... 

  Monday, February 1, 2021

Hosts: Jason Rohn, Patricia Rohn

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Living Lighter Radio with Jason & Patricia: An Ecosystem Approach to Your Life!

Ultimate Love - loving yourself in a way that is real

February is the month of love and we will talk about loving yourself. We have heard many techniques that are supposed to promote self-love but as Intuitives we see they do not work. 

  Monday, February 3, 2020

Hosts: Jason Rohn, Patricia Rohn

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Wendy R. Wolf