Good morning, afternoon, and evening everyone. Thank you so much for joining. What an honor it is that you chose to share time with me. This podcast series uses the art of story telling to share one of th...
The key question we all face is how to deal with change and life’s challenges. How do we maintain our equilibrium and our self-confidence s we pass through the many transitions of life? Join Dr Pa...
You Want to Go Deep Today? Discover that LIFE is "At Your Command"
In this Episode:
What are you actually declaring in your mind of who you are?
What is your "a...
Transformation happens when you set that particular intention, and things happen that might surprise you and thrills you with the possibilities as it unfolds. Waking Hope started out as a gentle reminder of the lim...
"Who am I?" is a question at the heart of all spiritual inquiry. And it touches on one of the deepest most core existential stressors in a person's life. The BodyTalk System is a consciousness-based health care sys...