Archived Episodes
Part 2: Embody and Embrace
Using powerful and intuitive questions, Lisa can help co-create a customized program to help you cultivate, explore, access and activate your deepest heart&rsq...
The Power of Choice! Are you finally ready to release negative thinking and limiting be...
Learn how your conscious and unconscious actions drive your behavior and results, and then learning how to control and align both actions to achieve your highest outcomes, through your neuroplasticity and your sens...
3 R's of Health: Remove, Replenish and Restore! Where to Begin? Is it as Simple as Mind...
Join in the conversation with Lisa Hatch of S.T.R.I.V.E. Together. Can living healthier be as simple as changing our mindset? Learn what Remove, Replenish, and Restore look like in our daily lives...
Is Self-Care an Out of Touch Concept or the New Healthcare?
In today's complicated and ever changing world the view of health care is changing. What's most important is that we as individuals need to understand how self-care and self-management help us in achieving be...
A NEW Wave of Wellness with Guest Sherrie Tennessee
After 2020, there is a new wave of interest in wellness and the beneficial impact from adding wellness into a daily routine. Join me and Sherrie Tennessee, Director of Education, SpaSOS as she shares her insi...
New Discoveries in Self-Care - It's Not Your Momma's Bubble Bath and Pedicure with Guest ...
What are the long-term implications of self-care? What does self-care truly mean and what does it look like in my life? Do you ask these questions when the topic comes up? Most of us sense the nee...
Transformation and the Journey to Your Freedom
Join us this hour as we discuss how to release emotions that get trapped in our body causing burnout, emotional imbalance and eventually disease. Chr...