Archived Episodes
Encore: Our Spiritual DNA: Twelve Ascended Masters and the Evidence for Our Divine Ancest...
After examining the lives of thousands of individuals across five thousand years, Carmel Niland saw patterns that allowed her to connect each individual to 12 specific Ascended Masters. Revolutionizing the ...
How to use Reiki to find your Peace with Suzanne Alexandria
If you don't go within, you go without. Yogis have always known this. And yet we have always sought so much instant gratification from things, objects, people, ideas....outside ourselves. Join Dr. Pat ...
Our Spiritual DNA: Twelve Ascended Masters and the Evidence for Our Divine Ancestry with ...
After examining the lives of thousands of individuals across five thousand years, Carmel Niland saw patterns that allowed her to connect each individual to 12 specific Ascended Masters. Revolutionizing the ...
Healing As the Divine Feminine with Suzanne Alexandria
Join us as we discuss healing with Divine Feminine Ascended Masters and how they are showing us completely new healing and consciousness potentials. Watch live on Facebook.
Healing Ancestral Karma with guest host Psychic Medium Jaime and her guest Marita
One Who Catches Lightning and Walks In Truth Watch live on Facebook. Call into the show 800-9...
Exploring What Really Happened 2000 Years Ago with David Young!
David Young; discussing his latest book: The True Story of Jesus and His Wife Mary Magdalena!
Emotional Repression: What You Hide is What You Get!
Many of us were taught to repress our emotions, to hide our authentic selves, to act like life is “fine.” How does that affect what shows up in our lives and what can we do about it? Join Leslie and Dr....
Transphysical Phenomena Medium Mychael Shane and the Ascended Masters of Shamballa
Rev. Shane will discuss karmic resolution and how to heal yourself and move forward in life. New and exciting concepts you don’t want to miss.
Allowing the Void to Create Abundance
When we decide to go in a new direction, make a change or shift our energy, there can be an empty space that includes not knowing what’s next. It is tempting to carry some baggage of the old into the new. Leslie and D...
Full Spectrum Finance
A new era of prosperity is emerging. It is quickly becoming critical to tend to your inner wealth game so that your outer wealth may emerge. Today, we will begin to explore the consciousness of prosperity and why i...
Working with Archangels & Ascended Masters
We have this entire “crew” of amazing spiritual beings that are working with us on the other side every day and most people don’t even realize who they are. Get ready to connect in with and learn all about Archangels ...
Truth and Consequences: Stepping into New Frontiers with Leslie Fonteyne and Dr. Pat
To achieve joy and enthusiasm in our lives, sometimes we have to look through the filter of our own truth. When our truth confronts an established way of life that contains no joy, we may put up walls and defenses out...
GET INTOIT - Winning at the Game of Life with Co-host Lynn Brown: Can you handle the TRUTH?
Can you handle the TRUTH? The energy of LOVE through the eyes of an intuitive.Could it be that what society has taught about love is all wrong? Love is not an action, not an agreement; true LOVE is a state of ...