Archived Episodes
The Path to Deeper Meaning and Connection with Brett Hill
Connection these days seems to mean “swipe right,” or thumbs up . It’s no wonder that burnout, depression, and isolation are at epidemic levels.. But how do we get from here to a place where we fe...
Social Media Use May Be Tied to Increase of Depressive Symptoms in Adults with Marni Goldman
Research suggests that social media use may impact mental health in adults as well. Researchers found that social media platforms, including Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok, were associated with an increased likelih...
Activism Through Coaching Model: A Catalyst for True Allyship with Guests Anita Russell, ...
Allyship is not a noun; it's a verb, a lifestyle, and a mindset. The Activism Through Coaching Model serves as a catalyst to demonstrate true allyship. It's a personal journey of action taken to eradicate racism wh...
Friday, July 22, 2022
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Anita Russell , Mavis Bauman M.s., Gail Hunter LCSW
Get Off the Shelf, Choose You first, You Have a Right to be Happy with Vicki Dobbs
The book will show, through personal story and metaphor, how women are not alone in their busy worlds, how they can carve out time for themselves and not feel selfish or guilty. In this book, readers will learn pra...
Belief, Being, and Beyond with Granddaughter Crow
Belief, Being, and Beyond: Your Journey to Questioning Ideas, Deconstructing Concepts & Healing from Harmful Belief Systems is an illuminating guide encourages you to delve into a variety of belief sys...
Walking With Sobonfu: A Guide to Claiming Your Authenticity and Deepening Your Sense of C...
Filled with the wisdom of both women, this book invites the reader to dive deeply into the richness of their own lives through rituals and ceremonies that bring about stronger connections to themselves, the earth, ...
A Modern Approach to Menopause: ending the stigma of mid-life with Susan Dolci & Leone Dyer
More and more women are driving the conversation around menopause demanding better health care and refusing to experience the menopause of their mothers. It’s time to stop treating menopause like it’s a...
Getting Hammered with Christine Clark Forging A Life
Wishing you could be further along the path to abundance and prosperity? Feeling alittle beat up? Learn to claim your power from the process of becoming. In this episode Coach Christine Clark shares fundamentals to...
Get Glowing: Birth of Your Katana with Christine Clark
Introducing Coach Christine Clark through Forging A Life. How her experience & life mirror Forging A Life validating her as the expert on what it takes to forge your life for joy, abundance and success.
Encore: Forging Spirituality in the We with Dr. Robert Forman
Much of our work as spiritual beings has been in the realm of self help, where we've focused on discovering our own authenticity, listening to our inner voice, and finding our individual way. In this interview, Dr....
Creating an Unbreakable Spirit, Hope & Solutions For Your 21st Century Living with Dr. Ri...
Dr. Richard London will share the Seven faces of intention, 10 natural laws just as powerful as The law of Attraction, combined Unbreakable,and Multiple ways to build an Unbreakable Spirit and More.... Watc...
Reinventing Yourself with Caleb Matthews
Adapting to social, economic and spiritual change. We must reinvent ourselves while being truly authentic to our original design in turbulent times.We love hearing from you - pl...
Talking With Tanis McRae!
"If you do not decide who you are in the experience ~ The experience will decide who you are." Around this simple core belief revolves all that Tanis does to assist you in your personal healing, self-awareness, and...
A Deep Dive into Self-Love with Kellie J. Wright!
Internal journeys: A Spiritual Transformation
ASE Beauty-Chang! Child Cancer Scholarship-Christophersen! Travel Plans-Abbamonte&Sellers...
Madame Athena Chang discusses how millions of women risk their health just by applying their favorite cosmetics. African-American women are two times more likely to develop breast cancer. How can women focus on "Cl...
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Madame Athena Chang , Eric Christophersen , Lee Abbamonte , John Sellers , Dr. George Newman
Forging Spirituality in the We with Dr. Robert Forman
Much of our work as spiritual beings has been in the realm of self help, where we've focused on discovering our own authenticity, listening to our inner voice, and finding our individual way. In this interview, Dr....
Encore: What Leads One Person to Interview 90 Executives? Dr. James Kelley
Dr. James Kelley has spent his life wondering what makes someone authentic and why many leaders use their authenticity as a super power of good. Over a two plus year period, James interview 90 leaders across a vari...
What Leads One Person to Interview 90 Executives? Dr. James Kelley
Dr. James Kelley has spent his life wondering what makes someone authentic and why many leaders use their authenticity as a super power of good. Over a two plus year period, James interview 90 leaders across a vari...
Moments - Magic, Miracles, and Martinis - How To Move Forward in Times of Uncertainty wit...
If you are unhappy, struggling through one challenge after another, and feeling disconnected from everyone, you are not alone. Regardless of the reason, unhappiness can permeate every area of life if le...
Creating Expressions versus Impressions with Leslie Fonteyne and Dr. Pat Baccili
We are afraid of our imperfections, of not sounding positive, seeming negative. So we suppress. But the energy comes out anyway. The gift of our truth is that we can allow it, honor it, hear it, and shift. Then our ex...
Speak With Authority: Using Your Voice
Dr. Pat Baccili talks with Linda Shields about the importance of our voice to bust through the crust.