health and wellness radio

Archived Episodes

The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!

Angels Create a Sacred Space with Special Guest The Angel Lady Sue Storm

The Angels want you to live and work in a calm, peaceful atmosphere. William, the Angel of Peace, and Alicia, the Angel of Serenity, collaborate to surround you with a calm environment. And Ursula, the Angel of Ali... 

  Thursday, June 3, 2021

Host: Dr. Pat Baccili

Guest: Sue Storm

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The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!

Making the bed in a world that is turned upside down. Dr. Mariangela Maguire on Mindful L...

In a time of crisis, when we most need the practices that help us maintain balance and harmony in our lives, we often abandon those practices because we are distracted and distraught. Life coach and mindfulness pra... 

  Thursday, April 30, 2020

Host: Dr. Pat Baccili

Guest: Mariangela Maguire Ph.D.

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The Jenn Royster Show

Angel Insights: Taurus Full Moon

We find our strength and wisdom in the calm. ... 

  Thursday, October 18, 2018

Host: Dr. Jenn Royster

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Katya Difani - Herban Wellness