health and wellness radio

Archived Episodes

Spirit Fire Radio

Your Energetic Core: The Central Channel

Einstein got it right... everything is energy. If we could only leave it at that! The dynamic energy system that is YOU resembles a torus. What is a torus? It is a dynamic energy mover which cons... 

  Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Host: Tim Darter and Steve Kramer

Guest: Bonnie Dysinger

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Spirit Fire Radio

The Practice of Living Awareness, Step 2: Tip of the Nose. Our guest Dr. Lisa Napora Disc...

The tip of your nose leads the way to well-being! As we introduce something new, perhaps meditation, often times we bump up against existing patterns - even resisting patterns. Dr. Lisa Napora is an advocate of mindfu... 

  Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Host: Tim Darter and Steve Kramer

Guest: Lisa Napora PhD

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Dr. James Rosenwald