These times of social and economic upheaval are ripe with opportunity for spiritual and emotional growth. In this conversation with Christine, empowerment coach and founder of Now Level Up Cassan...
Those who have a near-death experience often gain deep insight and inspiration from “the other side.” But it can be difficult to integrate that spiritual awakening into daily life. In this conversation ...
Having lived a unique and adventurous life, why should a near-death experience (NDE) be any different? Christine talks with author, inventor, and war correspondent Jim Bruton about his adventure to the...
Findings from two extensive research projects focused entirely on children. The first was done in the 80s and 90s, and concerned child experiencers between birth and 15 years – yet most of my cases were below...
Living in a Mindful Universe bridges science and spirituality using a fresh and unprecedented approach empowered by recent scientific findings on consciousness, leading to a surprisingly powerful interpretation of ...
This is the third book that Dr. Atwater was told to write during her third near-death experience. Based entirely on threes, each section covers the conscious, subconsci...