Archived Episodes
Angelic Connections & Angel Readings with Guest Host Psychic Medium Jaime
Join Psychic Medium Jaime as she explores the different categories of the angelic realms from her perspective. Angels are underutilized and can help us in so many ways. All we have to do is ask for help and guidanc...
Valentines Angels with Sue Storm!
From Romance to Finance, there are Angels for success. The Angel for finding a soulmate or bringing more romance into your relationship is called Terina, Angel of Attraction. The Angel for love is named Tara, and t...
Special Guest Host Kornelia Stephanie: Taking Right Action in the New Year with Janet Hickox
It's the New Year and we are all ready to start new things, take steps forward by hitting the ground running! But we can waste a lot of precious time spinning our wheels if we are not prepared to take right action....
Breath Fire into your Life with Dragon Readings!
Join Colette and and the dragons to inspire creative solutions to life’s most challenging problems. Call into the show and receive a dragon card reading from Tails From The Vector 1-800-930-2819&nb...
Tired of your job, or having a hard time with co-workers?
Use energetic healing and the Enneagram to help you find a career you enjoy, get along better with your co-workers, and hire the best people. Join Colette, Phil and Michel as we share our insights and tak...
Float Your Boat!
There are twelve main aspects to life that people are here on earth to experience. You can consider each aspect of life as if they are twelve people on a boat traveling on rough waters. Even when the majority of th...
Call to Dance!
Call in to experience FREE three card readings from Tails From The Vector and to hear all about Colette' upcoming live event in March 2017 Anticipation!
Angel Readings with The Angel Lady
Dr. Pat Baccili and guest Sue Storm the Angel Lady give callers the chance to get a reading from the angels.
Angel Readings with The Angel Lady
Dr. Pat Baccili and guest Sue Storm the Angel Lady give callers the chance to get a reading from the angels.
Angel Readings with The Angel Lady
Dr. Pat Baccili and guest Sue Storm the Angel Lady give callers the chance to get a reading from the angels.
Angel Readings with The Angel Lady
Dr. Pat Baccili and guest Sue Storm the Angel Lady give callers the chance to get a reading from the angels.