Archived Episodes
Lack Of Daily Routine + Retrograde Planets = Procrastination
If you are in the habit of using monumental effort to achieve anything that you have deemed important, your daily routine will be eroded by it. The combination of a lack of routine due to summer vacation and severa...
Permaculture-Inspired Community Project Consulting and Education with Lucie Bardos
Lucie is a community project consultant and educator who uses permaculture as a design tool to help projects come to life! Permaculture is an approach to design that looks to natural ecosystems as guides and teache...
Live your Purpose & Make Money Doing It! Transformational Business Coach Brittany Gill
Do you have a calling to make an impact in the world? Do you have a big vision for your life? Listen to this Episode of The Truth is Funny for the secret sauce to living your purpose and making money while you do i...
It's not woo-woo, it's true-true! With The Everyday Medium - Jamie Butler
Jamie is normalizing the power of intuition and the use of energy to help heal. She is headed to Akashic Ranch June 27, 29 to share three different energy healing modalities, polarity, energy field balancing and cr...
Where Heart Meet Art – The one Universal process we can do to promote transformation & sh...
If we could teach one thing that would create breakthroughs and shifts in hundreds of lives, can we make it available to all? The Heart-Mind Continuum is a scientific and quantum explanation that allows for shifts ...
BEE Irresistible! Looking Good Is A Business Decision! Call 800-930-2819 for an Energeti...
Attract your authentic desires with the ease of bees to a blossom. Call in to 1-800-930-2819 for an energetic upgrade and let’s make some shift happen!
What are you creating with your energy? with William Hatch
Energy flows where our thoughts go, where are you focusing your energy? Do you spend your time thinking complaints or about the things you love? Every thought has energy and every communication has exponentially mor...
DNA and our Ancestry how does it impact the physical? with Author Charan Surdhar
Does our ancestry impact our DNA? We see ourselves as one being but yet everything we hold in our bodies is not only ours but what we carry from our ancestors. This influences how our DNA is expressed and how our phys...