Archived Episodes
How to Live Life As if It’s Rigged In Your Favor * *Rumi with Guest Dr. Connie Stomper
How is life “rigged in our favor” from a higher perspective?How can seeing things as “rigged in our favor enhance a sense of PURPOSE in our lives? How do we “embrace” a higher pe...
Juno's Song-Michael Kelley! 2024 Best Family Cars-Brian Moody!
Michael Kelley discusses his final installement of the Triology, Juno's Song, which accepts the future of AI in 2036. With wit and bold imagination, Juno’s Song envisi...
Near Death Experiences and Death Bed Visions with Mark Anthony
Have you had a near death experience? Do you know what a near death experience is like? Watch live on Facebook.
Power is Love with Special Guest Sarah Mane!
Pure Universal Love is ever-present and powerful. Remembering this and connecting with the love within, means we see the uniting factors which bring us all together. Join Dr Pat and Sarah Mane as they discuss the h...
The Importance of Self-Care for Health and Live the GOOD Life with Sabrina Wright!
Introducing Sabrina Wright and a Balanced Approach to Self-Care, what a GOOD life is, and how to really live a GOOD life! Watch live on Facebook.
Crystal Basics: The Energetic, Healing, and Spiritual Power of 200 Gemstones with Nichola...
In this in-depth yet easy-to-follow guide, Nicholas Pearson offers a full-color compendium of 200 crystals and gemstones as well as a hands-on practical handbook on crystal healing, perfect for those just beginning...
Longevity Plans with Special Guest Sharon Rolph!
We are the generation who responded to the novel idea of the Peace Corp. Could we be drawn to invest months and years to the good of the world again? I think so! Paul Long’s Emmy Award winning documentary cal...
Third Eye Meditations: Awaken Your Mind, Spirit, and Intuition with author Dr. Susan Shum...
Third Eye Meditations: Awaken Your Mind, Spirit, and Intuition! Join Dr. Susan Shumsky for a guided meditation experience that can help you awaken your spiritual self.
The Disembodiment Epidemic! Guest Host Peggy Willms with guest Rev. Stephanie Red Feather...
This week Rev. Stephanie Red Feather PhD…will introduce us to the concept of embodiment and why it is a vital component for manifesting our dreams and living life in full color. She will illustrate the dange...
A Deep Dive into Self-Love with Kellie J. Wright!
Internal journeys: A Spiritual Transformation
Pendulum Healing – Charting Your Healing Course with Joan Rose Staffen!
The ancient art of dowsing with the new Intuitive Healing Charts give one the ability to research one’s own wellness and health concerns. In her just released book, The Book of Pendulum Healing and in this ra...
Writing the Big Book : The Creation of AA with William H. Schaberg!
2019 the eightieth anniversary of publication of the Alcoholics Anonymous September is National Recovery Awareness Month! Schaberg brings to life the unheralded contributions by fascinating characters of Hank Parkh...
Immortal Hero (a film) with Rocky Uchimura!
Makoto Mioya, a highly successful Japanese author and publisher, has a life-threatening, near-death experience. Powerful spiritual beings with whom he has communicated most of his adult life visit Makoto to remind ...
Let Your Intuition be Your Compass with Spiritual Teacher and Master Medium James Van Praagh
Do you yearn to tap into your inner guidance system more effectively so that life can become easier and more fulfilling? Tune in as master medium and spiritual teacher James V...
The Power of Inner Connection, Speaker Series, Oct 1-14 with Julia Griffin!
Julia Griffin created a speaker series targeting the powers of the inner self so that you can discover your spiritual gifts, understand the events of this new age, and move more deeply into the inner self, and expr...
Knowledge is Power with Marge Ptaszek!
What does 'knowledge is power' mean?
Beyond the Known: Realization with Author Paul Selig!
Beyond the Known: Realization is the first volume in the Beyond the Known trilogy, it is composed of pure unedited words of the Guides as they share their wisdom and knowledge through Selig. It sees a psych...
The Gifts Beneath Your Anxiety: Simple Spiritual Tools to Find Peace, Awaken the Power Wi...
Signs Spirit may be communicating with you! Do you or does someone you know suffer from unexplained anxiety, panic attacks, or sadness? Are you often overwhelmed with compassion for others’ pain? Do people so...
Taking back the realm of Magic and Miracle with Heather Allison!
We've been conditioned for too long by this Wounded Masculine Paradigm — the Patriarchy, if you like — to reject the Power, abilities and access to Miracle and Magic that exists within the Feminine Ener...
Become a Spiritual Athlete!
I realized that the joy and peace that has been pouring in my life has had alot to do with me becoming a spiritual athlete! Join us to hear more and find out how you can bring more joy and peace into your life!&nbs...
The Journey Home – Gifts Left Behind with Darcy Pariso!
Ella’s journey home & why it’s important to you. What your animals want you to understand. Can they send us songs and even move things? Unexpected ways they communicate that you’ll want to kno...
The Limitless Soul- Hypno-Regression Case Studies into Past, Present and Future Lives wit...
Access the soul level of your mind and resolve current life issues with this amazing collection of case studies. Using her hypnoregression technique, Soul Expression Spiritual Regression (SESR), author Bryn Blankin...
90 Days To Life with author Ruble Chandy!
90 Days to Life - A Jorney from Turmoil to Triump! Discover… A powerful never revealed strategy to convert stress and suffering into celebration. By the time you finish reading this touching story, you will ...
Spiritual Rebel with author Sarah Bowen
“How can we uncover the most meaning in our lives?” asks author Sarah Bowen. Part memoir, part practical guide, Spiritual Rebel mines the world’s philosophical, scientific, and spiritual tradition...