Archived Episodes
What is life coaching? with Special Guest Rikki Schwartz
Rikki breaks down what life coaching looks like. Watch live on Facebook.
Is Life Coaching what I need? with Special Guest Leighanne Champion
Join Dr. Pat and Leighanne Champion to discuss the benefits of having your own personal Life Coach to help switch on your own unique light so that you can live to your fullest potential. Watch live on Faceb...
Animal Love Oracle Cards: Advice, Compassion, and Wisdom from Our Animal Mentors with Nad...
We are all ascending to new heart-based frequencies, and our interactions with animals can help guide us through this spiritual evolution. Animals not only can offer us compassionate wisdom, they also teach us ther...
The Rise of ‘Damayanti – For Your Soul’ out of ‘Conscious Confidence’ with Guest Sarah Mane
‘Conscious Confidence – a Timeless Wisdom’ is making a major step and evolving into ‘Damayanti – for Your Soul’. ‘Damayanti – for Your S...
Mapping Out Your Journey in 5 Steps with Stephenie Zamora
Wouldn't it be nice if there was a map for navigating this unpredictable journey called life? In this conversation with Christine, author and coach Stephanie Zamora shares her five-phase Journey Mapping™ proc...
The next Ms. Health & Fitness 2021 with Guest Karissa Adkins
If you had told Karissa Adkins 11 years ago that she would be competing for the world title of Ms. Health and Fitness 2021 and the cover of Muscle and Fitness HERS magazine she would have laughed and told you &ldqu...
The World is My Country with Arthur Kanegis
“The World is My Country” is a film that shares the true story of how one man turned his war guilt into positive action. In this conversation with Christine, producer and director Arthur Kanegis discuss...
Kriya Yoga for Self-Discovery: Practices for Deep States of Meditation with Keith G. Low...
Keith Lowenstein, M.D., offers an accessible yet detailed guide to Kriya yoga. He explains the basic techniques of the practice step by step, detailing proper posture, breathwork exercises (pranayama), visualizatio...
Ailing Nation-Link! 4 Ideas With Actionable Wisdom-Boylan! Business Optimism-Kara Hoogensen!
Dr. Nate Link examines real political issues such as climate change, tax policy, campaign financing, gerrymandering, abortion, and gun control. The Ailing Nation is a fascinating, immersiv...
This Life Is Yours: Discover Your Power, Claim Your Wholeness & Heal Your Life with Linda...
Heal your life and discover how everything can be right even when circumstances are all wrong. This is a book about healing your whole self; a book about becoming conscious and discovering the eternal and unb...
Encore: Nuggets of Wizdom from Colette!
We love to hear from you! Call in 1 800 930 2819. Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to:
Rise Above The Chaos: Redefine Yourself IN the Global Shuffle. Part 2 with Carolyn Gross
Rise Above the Chaos and Redefine Your Life. We've gone from challenging times to changing times. Join us as we try to find where to pick up where we left off without derailing from anti-social ...
The Ancient Language of Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Science of the Divine with David Elkin...
Exploring the acoustic connections between the Earth, the human brain, and sacred spaces, David Elkington shows how humanity maintained a direct line of communication with Mother Earth and the Divine through the co...
Ghosts of Atlantis: How the Echoes of Lost Civilizations Influence Our Modern World with ...
J. Douglas Kenyon presents extensive physical and spiritual evidence of a lost great culture, the collective amnesia that wiped it from planetary memory, and the countless ways ancient catastrophes still haunt mode...
Elevate Your Energy & Ignite Your Dreams Through the Akashic Records - Linda Howe
According to world-renowned Akashic Records expert and author Linda Howe, there are ways to tap into this ethereal “library” of information so that you can experience greater power and prosperity. In th...
Angels Create a Sacred Space with Special Guest The Angel Lady Sue Storm
The Angels want you to live and work in a calm, peaceful atmosphere. William, the Angel of Peace, and Alicia, the Angel of Serenity, collaborate to surround you with a calm environment. And Ursula, the Angel of Ali...
Welcome to Pride 2021: LGBTQ History and Why It Matters
How can the way that history is taught and remembered create or reinforce “in” groups and “out” groups in a society?
Vaxications-Torabi! Dogs & Cats-Mendoza! Cancer Survivors-Dr. Pearman!
Farnoosh Torabi explains how Americans can celebrate the start of the new Roaring 20s without making costly financial mistakes, Great tips on how to take a vaxication without breaking the ...
Monday, May 31, 2021
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Farnoosh Torabi , Diana Mendoza , Dr. Timothy Pearman
Questioning the 9/11 Narrative with Adam Eisenberg
As a first responder at the Pentagon with extensive time on site, former U.S. Army Sergeant Adam Eisenberg has always questioned the official narrative about what happened on September 11, 2001. In this conver...
What does “re-claiming” your life look like, and how do you start? with Guest Life Coach ...
Life Coach Rikki Schwartz, talks about her life coaching brand “My Turn Life Coaching”, and what it actually means to reclaim your life Watch live on Facebook.
Connect with Extraterrestrials with Guest Gloria Rodriquez
Glo, a Portal Journey Ambassador, shares the strong relationship she has with her Extraterrestrial family. You will learn why her crazy good life is a synchronized orchestration.
Beyond the Flower of Life with Guest Maureen St Germain
If you are looking to enhance the MerKaBa practice or are ready to take it to the next level, or already practicing this book was written with you in mind. If you are looking for more heart centered awareness and u...
Steeling is Believing, Trust Your Elements with Coach Christine Clark
Do you believe you in your magnificent future? Can you vision a life of abundance, love, flow? At your core you are designed for that. The Steel used to make a katana is specifically chosen for it's properties. It ...
Contacts with the Gods from Space-Pathway to the New Age with Richard Lawrence
Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence for a glimpse into UFOs, channelling, the New Age on Earth and how to build it. Discover more about Contacts with the Gods from Space, their message to us on E...