Archived Episodes
Encore: Come along on a journey into one of the world’s most fascinating minds! with Jim ...
Imagine being able to look into someone’s eyes and being able to tell if they are lying or telling the truth! Imagine being able walk into a room full of total strangers and know things about them, al...
Encore: Odin and the Nine Realms Oracle with Sonja Grace!
Mystic Healer Sonja Grace: Odin and the Nine Realms Oracle – Norse Gods, Nine Realms, Magic and the Runes Oracle Deck – original artwork by Sonja Grace – Sonja Grace Spirit Travels to Norway and r...
Home Buyer Grants-Barkley! Period Taboo-King & Davis! 4-Legged Heroes-Bones! Migraine App...
AJ Barkley discusses how qualified buyers can receive as much as $17,500 to help them purchase a home with Bank of America's new Down Payment Grant program and reveals tools and resources available to low-to modera...
Monday, September 30, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: AJ Barkley , Dr. Kiarra King , Cece Jones-Davis , Bobby Bones , Linda Porter Ph.D.
Heaven Is Right Here, Right Now“. What Are We All Waiting For? with David Essel!
David Essel talks about heaven on earth! Grab his new book, and I can guarantee within a short period of time, you will start to become more aware, more conscious, of the fact that heaven is here… Right now!...
Safe to Love Again with Dr. Gary Salyer
If you have struggled finding or maintaining deep, safe and long-lasting love in your life, you may be very surprised at the reason. In...
Walking With My Angels with Keith Leon!
Keith Leon S. talks about his latest book, Walking With My Angels and how angels saved his life EIGHT times!
Angel Guidance: Libra Super New Moon
The angels bring guidance and uplifting messages on healing, transforma...
Stroke Risks-Dr. Passman! Latino Education Underrepresented-Messano! $2 Billion Raised-Si...
Dr. Rod Passman discusses the diagnosis and treatment of AFIB. Irregular heart rythm is a major risk factor for stroke! He will also talk about his research into a device that is completely transforming heart healt...
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Rod Passman , Frances Messano , Garima Sinha , Bart Liro
How to Live When You Want to Die – A Mother’s Inspiring Story with LeAnn Hull
How to Live When You Want to Die – A Mother’s Inspiring Story of How She Picked Up the Pieces of Her Life and Created a Foundation to Help Others. September is Suicide Awareness Month
Nuggets of Wizdom from the Vector! Now Every Last Wednesday - Call in for your personal n...
The last Wednesday of each month, join Colette as she shares Nuggets of Wizdom from her book, The Truth Is Funny... shift happens (Stuff you wish your mom had known to tell you). Be sure watch Live on Faceboo...
TBI In Veterans-Dr.Hoffman, Senior Living Planning-Patchett, Modern Menopause-Kingsberg &...
Dr. Stuart Hoffman interview on recognizing signs of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in our Nation's Veterans. He discusses results of recent research conducted by the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs, how Veterans ...
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Stuart Hoffman , Mary Sue Patchett , Dr. Sheryl Kingsberg , Shirley Weir , Collin Robinson & Antigone Davis
Famously Dead Speak to this Medium! with Lisa Najjar
Lisa Najjar used to be a court reporter. Now she's reporting for a higher court. Not the Supreme Court, but the Celestial Court. When Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln and George Harrison asked her to write a book, she ...
Exploring What Really Happened 2000 Years Ago with David Young!
David Young; discussing his latest book: The True Story of Jesus and His Wife Mary Magdalena!
The Forever Angels: Near-Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact with a...
Findings from two extensive research projects focused entirely on children. The first was done in the 80s and 90s, and concerned child experiencers between birth and 15 years – yet most of my cases were below...
Let Your Intuition be Your Compass with Spiritual Teacher and Master Medium James Van Praagh
Do you yearn to tap into your inner guidance system more effectively so that life can become easier and more fulfilling? Tune in as master medium and spiritual teacher James V...
The Power of Inner Connection, Speaker Series, Oct 1-14 with Julia Griffin!
Julia Griffin created a speaker series targeting the powers of the inner self so that you can discover your spiritual gifts, understand the events of this new age, and move more deeply into the inner self, and expr...
Following the Breadcrumb Trail
In this show, Christine shares how guidance can show up in a variety of ways—both subtle and obvious—to lead us to healing, connection, and inspired action. She also discusses ways to find those proverb...
Knowledge is Power with Marge Ptaszek!
What does 'knowledge is power' mean?
Women's Holistic Business Secrets with Elizabeth Beeds
Learn 3 keys for spiritual women to rise in business and make a difference in the world! We love hearing from you! Call in to the show at 1.800.930.2819
America's Opioid Crisis-Dr. Stulberg! CBD Oil Helps-Jaynes! Grandstories' Campaign-Cwik! ...
Dr. Jonah Stulberg talks about the drug disposal program and how he is working with hospitals across the state to implement their own opiod stewardship and disposal programs. Keeping unused prescription pain medica...
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Dr. Jonah Stulberg , Whitney Jaynes , Carlin Cwik , John Harrison
I Am God In Disguise-So Are You with author Craig Kolavo!
Craig Kolavo discusses his book I Am God In Disguise-So Are You and the inspirational message he would like to convey. It's time for a spiritual revolution! God in Disguise Media Quest...
Awakening from Stress and Anxiety with Rev. Connie L. Habash
Being on your spiritual path doesn’t make you immune to the stresses of life. If you sometimes suffer from stress or anxiety, author Re...
Angel Wisdom: Making Life Work with The Angel Lady Sue Storm!
The prespective of the Angels is always "spot on". They offer a new way of thinking. Viewing a problem or situation with Angelic Wisdom in the mix makes things more clear. Cornell, Angel of Decision-making and Caro...
The End of Killing-Author Smith! BE FAST & Call 911-Barnathan! Investment Checkup-Goldman...
Rick Smith shares details about his book The End of Killing and and how technology can be used to change how we think about weapons and violence. His new book explores how technology can help solve some of...
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Rick Smith , Dr. Adam and Lauren Barnathan , Gene Goldman , Dr. Marla Dubinsky