Archived Episodes
A Year Without Men: A Twelve-Point to Inspire & Empower Women with Allison Carmen
A Year without Men is an essential guide to every woman's success and liberation. Using the events of a very painful year in her own personal and professional life—her husband left her, her consulting busines...
What does “re-claiming” your life look like, and how do you start? with Guest Life Coach ...
Life Coach Rikki Schwartz, talks about her life coaching brand “My Turn Life Coaching”, and what it actually means to reclaim your life Watch live on Facebook.
Power is Love with Special Guest Sarah Mane!
Pure Universal Love is ever-present and powerful. Remembering this and connecting with the love within, means we see the uniting factors which bring us all together. Join Dr Pat and Sarah Mane as they discuss the h...
Longevity Plans with Special Guest Sharon Rolph!
We are the generation who responded to the novel idea of the Peace Corp. Could we be drawn to invest months and years to the good of the world again? I think so! Paul Long’s Emmy Award winning documentary cal...
What will it take for you to commit to yourself, to creating the life you want to be livi...
Join guest host Susan Axelrod for a discussion about what it takes to commit to oneself, to break through the 'shoulds' and 'have-to's' and take the reins of your life doing something for yourself.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Hosts: Susan Axelrod, Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Kelly Walk Hines , Pam Sullivan
Study: 47% of Americans Say U.S. Moral Values Not Good and Getting Worse with Dr. Frieda ...
Discussing why moral values are diminishing in the US. Is there a correlation with Gallup poll findings on American's confidence on organized religion? And find out three characteristics of healthy individual ...
Part 2-Could there really be a secret sauce or magic pill?
If you aren't living in a state of happy, peace, joy fulfillment and abundance then what you're doing isn't working and you will want to tune in to THRIVE by Jen Radio and catch this episode of could there really b...