health and wellness radio
A Spirited Exchange with Kerry Cadambi: For Evolution of the Modern Mind: Awaken to Your Body Wisdom

A Spirited Exchange with Kerry Cadambi: For Evolution of the Modern Mind: Awaken to Your Body Wisdom

  03/25/2020  04:00 pm PDT

Awaken to Your Body WisdomAre you unhappy with some aspect of your body?   Do you struggle with health issues or body image?  In this episode we’ll explore what it means to awaken to your body’s wisdom.  The body is always speaking to us, are we taking the time to listen to its messages?  Learn how we can trust those messages, guiding our own practice of life affirming self-care.

Join me, Kerry Cadambi, and my guest Mytrae Meliana, award-winning author, holistic psychotherapist, and spiritual teacher, as we talk about body wisdom. We’ll share stories of life changes inspired by body messages; whether from illness, injury or disconnection from self-love.


Kerry Cadambi

Kerry Cadambi

A Spirited Exchange with Kerry Cadambi: For Evolution of the Modern Mind   Are you ready to engage the power of your own evolution to live a purpose-driven life of lo...

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 Mytrae Meliana

Mytrae Meliana

Mytrae Meliana (pronounced “my-thray-yee”) is a women’s empowerment and spiritual teacher, channel, and holistic psychotherapist. She leads works...

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Wendy R. Wolf