health and wellness radio
Awareness to Action with Joan Marlow:  The Journey Towards Living Your Life's Purpose: Waking the Healer Within You

Awareness to Action with Joan Marlow: The Journey Towards Living Your Life's Purpose: Waking the Healer Within You

  12/21/2021  09:00 am PST

Awareness to Action with Joan Marlow:  The Journey Towards Living Your Life's Purpose: Waking the Healer Within YouHow many of us 'know' we have something within us that can support others, but we sometimes keep it under wraps because using the word 'healer' or 'mystic' is looked at strangely by others as well as personally feeling uncomfortable?  When we come to accept the 'knowingness of knowing' that we possess these natural gifts, it's a game changer in our life and in the lives of countless others we serve, including entire communities.  This episode will offer insight on Patricia Federico's journey into what she calls 'becoming woke' as a spiritual realist sharing the means to support unity and compassion that ultimately will help us all to survive and thrive.  You'll go away with basic tenchiques to help you on your way to finding your 'knowingness of knowing' as well as personal positive health and well-being


Joan Marlow host on transformation talk radio

Joan Marlow

Awareness to Action with Joan Marlow: The Journey Towards Living Your Life's Purpose Hi everybody, welcome to Awareness to Action. This show is about positivity and believi...

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 Patricia Federico

Patricia Federico

Patricia Federico is a gifted inutitive and empath, one of the Southwest's most trusted stress management consultants, and an alternative healer.   She is an expert i...

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Katya Difani - Herban Wellness