health and wellness radio
Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex Your Soul Connection Muscle and be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment: How to choose the right coach for you

Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex Your Soul Connection Muscle and be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment: How to choose the right coach for you

  03/31/2022  03:30 pm PST

Claudia-Sam Cataford Sauvé, your Soul Connection Coach, the Be Happy Now show, how to find the right coach for you, qualification, degree, inner knowing, flex your soul connection muscle, be your own inner guideAre you skeptical about getting a Life, Mindset, or Soul Coach because there is no "standardized qualification" in the coaching industry like there might be in other professions?


In this Be Happy Now Show episode, Claudia-Sam offers you a space to really think about what drives the show in your Life and whether or not looking for a certification or degree in a Coach is really what you need.

Listening to this episode, you'll get to learn other qualifications to look out for that might align better with your heart's desire to lead a better life.


Claudia-Sam reveals the story about how she felt lied to by her first business coach and how, now, she feels empowered to trust HER OWN WAY.


This episode is inspired by one of C-S's clients who shared that, before her discovery session, she was apprehensive and that, now, she’s more curious about coaching and is aiming to stay open. Yay!


Claudia-Sam also candidly shares her experience with being coached now and how finding the right coach for you is possible.


Coaching isn’t a “done for you” service nor should it be a “this way for the best way” type of service (unless that’s what you want).


This episode is meant for the person who wants to believe in themselves and flex their soul connection muscle so that they can trust their intuition and inner power ahead of any other person's (including their coach’s).

For a free discovery session with Claudia-Sam so that you can find out if she's a match to support you in being your own inner guide, go to and book a spot now. No strings attached, just an open heart ready to receive another in a safe and supportive space. 


Claudia-Sam Cataford Sauvé, your Soul Connection Coach, the Be Happy Now show

Claudia-Sam Cataford Sauvé

Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex your Soul Connection Muscle and Be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment Are you ready to ditch the self-care guilt and quit the go-go-go-...

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