health and wellness radio
Courage to Be Seen Podcast Radio with Sherrie Clark – Striving to assist others with achieving their dreams: Make 2022 the year you chose to live thoughtfully

Courage to Be Seen Podcast Radio with Sherrie Clark – Striving to assist others with achieving their dreams: Make 2022 the year you chose to live thoughtfully

  01/20/2022  03:00 pm PDT

SherrieClark-CouragetoBeSeen-Make2022TheYearYouChoseToLiveThoughtfullyWhile some love to welcome in a new year with resolutions, and grand plans, on how you are going to make all these improvements. A new year can bring energy and excitement.  You also may be the type of person who never makes resolutions, they never work out anyway so why bother.  Whatever your attitude has been in the past I encourage you to listen in as we discuss why those resolutions may not have worked out in the past and what you can do live thoughtfully as a way to improve your life. 


sherrie clark host of courage to be seen podcast radio on

Sherrie Clark

Courage to Be Seen Radio with Sherrie Clark Every 3rd Thursday at 3pm pacific / 6pm eastern! Are you living the life you desire, experiencing success, and accomplishing y...

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Dr. James Rosenwald