Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing: Part 1 of 3 Documentary - Forgotten Origins ~ Out of Australia Theory~ With Steven & Evan Strong.
03/02/2022 09:00 am PST
Yes you read that Title right!
Come and join us and be on the edge of your seats,
as We share the 1st Part of a 3 Part Documentary Series.
I am so very humbled to have this amazing oportunity to share with Everyone these two Beings of pure Lite and devotion to this Sacred Planet and ALL who live upon her.
Walking with the wisdom of "Country" and all the intellectual skills they bring us - not only their timeless discoveries of the pysical Ancient and Present - they share Facts!
Divinely guided by what is shared with the Elders as "True Story" , Profecy, Archeology, Spirit, the Sacred Stones and Science - Steve and Evan Strong LIVE this walk.
We are invited to join them as they share whatever comes and the critial messages to Human Kind for the NOW!
In all 3 parts of this documentary They will take US from the Story of Country with the Elders of Australia and other Lands aligning the teachings, Knowings of the Ancients to see the Base Truth which lies in them all. From there we will travel the skies, rediscover timelines and why things happened and what their happening describes for US today!
Ancient Alien skulls and their message, sacred rocks and engravings, UFO sightings and why they were here - and continue to have a presence today.
IS there a message - Do we wish to live in Fear? Do we truly want to know and BE as we were, and how we are intended to BE?
Steve & Evan share with a beautiful Humbleness a very Powerful Message for ALL Man Kind.
You will NOT want to miss this!
Part 1 Wednesday MArch 2nd 2022 Ceremonies, Aliens & Science
Part 2 Wednesday June 15th 2022 Recap of Elder's Messages and Pre Solstice
Part 3 Wednesday January 4th 2023 Recap of Solstice Ceremony & What NOW?
Episode giveaways:
Patricia McNair
Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing 1st & 3rd Wednesday9am PT / 1pm ATL Are you ready to embrace and strengthen your connection ...
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Steve & Evan Strong
Forgotten Origin: (The Out of Australia Theory) Steve & Evan Strong share understandings through archeology, Culture and Prophecy - related to Australia’...
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