health and wellness radio
Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing: What does it mean "Do not cross another's Domain?"  Exploring and Educating YOU ~ the Sovereign SOUL

Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing: What does it mean "Do not cross another's Domain?" Exploring and Educating YOU ~ the Sovereign SOUL

  05/18/2022  09:00 am PDT

Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing: What does it mean "Do not cross another's Domain?"  Exploring and Educating YOU ~ the Sovereign SOULWhat is the Truth of who we are as the Hu Man Race? How have we been literally kept in the Dark of our Divine Rites and Abilities? 

Are you ready to know more about this?  IS there WAY more to who we are, what our purpose is? and how to step IN to our Sovereignty?

I am so happy to share this show with you ALL!

Leana is such a Beautiful, Energentic and Authentic Being who will share about all of this and whatever the Divine Beings that walk with her wish to share with us!





Patricia McNair

Patricia McNair

Divine Guidance with Patricia: Focusing on SOULutions for Your Whole BEing 1st & 3rd Wednesday9am PT / 1pm ATL Are you ready to embrace and strengthen your connection ...

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Leana has been extreemly blissed to communicate with the Higher Realms and her Divine Essence since she was a little girl.  She came in with an incredible knowledge bas...

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