Fix Your Reflection First...And Live Your Best Life Ever! With Rhonda Farrah, MA, DRWA: Reversing Self-Doubt and Second Guessing with Guest Cordelia Gaffar
07/01/2024 03:00 pm PDT
Ask YourSelf...
How often do you doubt yourself by second-guessing your first mind? Where does that live in your body? Why does that live in your body?
This is a very relevant topic and much needed right now as our world is experiencing so much change and disruption!
Thank you for joining us today as we explore how we may BE mindful and make better choices to Living our best Life ever!
Episode giveaways:
- Soul Release Meditation - Releasing past lovers:
Rhonda Farrah DRWA M.A.
Fix Your Reflection First...And Live Your Best Life Ever! With Rhonda Farrah, MA, DRWA Fix Your Reflection First...And Live Your Best Life Ever! with Rhonda Farrah,...
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