health and wellness radio
Get Your Goddess Groove On with Laura Hosford: When the Goddess Speaks Everyone Listens: You Are A Goddess! It’s Time To Embody Your Angelic Goddess Light and Superpowers!

Get Your Goddess Groove On with Laura Hosford: When the Goddess Speaks Everyone Listens: You Are A Goddess! It’s Time To Embody Your Angelic Goddess Light and Superpowers!

  03/27/2020  09:00 am PST

Get Your Goddess Groove On with Laura Hosford: When the Goddess Speaks Everyone Listens: You Are A Goddess! It’s Time To Embody Your Angelic Goddess Light and Superpowers! 

Hello Goddess! Are you ready to GET YOUR GODDESS GROOVE ON?  Shine Your LOVE Light and Ignite your Goddess Prayer into the world?  We will talk about who is the Goddess and why she is returning in such great force today . In the midst of great change and chaos now consuming our world you dear one are being called by Divine Mother to Awaken, Embody and Anchor your Goddess light! Join me in an empowering conversation with Goddess KALI to reveal the deeper truths of what in the world is going on right now on planet Earth and how you can best navigate these challenging times.  Experience a heart healing meditation and direct connection with the Goddess energies of love, peace, grace and heart healing for your Soul! 

Episode giveaways:

  • Heaven To Earth Goddess - Grounding - Clearing - Balancing Your Lightbody Meditation Audio Get your free gift here


Laura Hosford Transformation Talk Radio host

Laura Hosford

Get Your Goddess Groove On with Laura Hosford: When the Goddess Speaks Everyone Listens   Do you feel like life is a mystery to be solved? That you must stand alone i...

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Katya Difani - Herban Wellness