health and wellness radio
Lucid Planet Radio with Dr. Kelly: SUPERNATURAL SEX!

Lucid Planet Radio with Dr. Kelly: SUPERNATURAL SEX!

  11/06/2019  10:00 am PST

Lucid Planet Radio with Dr. Kelly: SUPERNATURAL SEX! Today's show is all about the concept of Supernatural Sex, featuring the authors of the book Tantric Pathways, Somraj Pokras- a sexologist, and Dr. Jeffre Talltrees, a shamanic sex therapist. We will discsus Kundalini, orgasm, tantra, pleasure and sexual energy. Don't miss this one!


Dr. Kelly Neff

Dr. Kelly Neff

Every First Wednesday at 10 am pt / 1pm et. Let's Get LUCID! Lucid Planet Radio will empower you to transform your lives and re-shape your world. Tune in to learn how t...

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