health and wellness radio
Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home: 3 Ways To A Purposeful Life with Special Guest, Trish Campbell

Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home: 3 Ways To A Purposeful Life with Special Guest, Trish Campbell

  01/27/2023  12:30 pm PDT

There are times in life we wonder and ask ourselves, "Why am I here? What is my purpose?"  I'd like to start with the definition of A purposeful life. Basically it's living a life that aligns with who you are – values, beliefs and passions. Interestingly, we are on this continual quest to find out what our purpose is.  And because we are all unique, finding our purpose tends to be different for each person. 

Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home: 3 Ways To A Purposeful Life with Special Guest, Trish Campbell 

My special guest is Trish Campbell. She is an Author of “Love Me”, a Transformation Coach, a Reiki Master Teacher, and a Speaker. She motivates individuals through the transformative process of remembering who they came here to be. 


In our podcast, Trish will share her story before she found her purpose and then we’ll unpack 3 Ways to A Purposeful Life. Join us to find out how to move forward, tips to be intentional about your purpose and a walk into your purposeful life! If you find yourself wondering, join our podcast and find 3 Ways To A Purposeful Life.  


Check out Trish Campbell website and her book Love Me


Also, an invite to my website for Free Resources, life coaching products and Life coaching packages.  


Remember: Choosing the trajectory of your life is within your reach!  You have a choice!

Join us Friday, January 27 @ 12:30pm PST on Transformation Talk Radio.  


Rosita M. Perez

Rosita M. Perez

I have spent decades of my life wearing various masks to be accepted, liked and even loved. Unknowingly I severed ties to the core of who I am. I muted my own voice so I cou...

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 Trish  Campbell

Trish Campbell

Trish is a Writer, Transformation Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, and founder of INVIBE, helping motivated individuals through the evolving and transformative process of rememb...

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