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Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home: Discover What “HOME” Means To You with Special Guest, Vanessa Costello

Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home: Discover What “HOME” Means To You with Special Guest, Vanessa Costello

  02/25/2022  12:30 pm PDT

Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home: Discover What “HOME” Means To You with Special Guest, Vanessa Costello This week join me and my Special Guest, Vanessa Costello as we unpack the topic Discover What “HOME” means to you. Now, throughout the world the word home is universal, and it is considered shelter. Each person is different, and HOME has a different meaning to each of us. I’ve been a realtor for 14 years. I’ve earned certifications as a Short Sale and Foreclosure Resource as well as a Home Stager. I've had the privilege of helping my clients buy and sell their home. 


I believe buying or selling a home is a life event. I’ve watched my clients go through a range of emotions – excitement, fear, happiness, and stress! In my experience when you start the process of buying or selling a home there is so much that runs through your mind. The focus always starts on the physical structure of the home. You may have an idea of what you physically want your home to look like. Though as we have deeper conversations childhood memories often arise, both good and bad. Memories start to creep up of what you had or did not have as a child . I sense a bit of a shift happening. Unknowingly, these memories may affect how you select a home. 

  • Do these memories fit your needs today?
  • Are you aware of what you need in a house to call it "home"?                                                         
  • What is your meaning of “home”.

Rosita is a Discovery Coach and REALTOR. She is a way finder and specializes in helping you navigate through life’s events and through limiting beliefs. You'll discover who you truly are and cultivate a life in a home you love! Walk with Rosita and discover your way home. 



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Rosita M. Perez

Rosita M. Perez

I have spent decades of my life wearing various masks to be accepted, liked and even loved. Unknowingly I severed ties to the core of who I am. I muted my own voice so I cou...

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 Vanessa Costello

Vanessa Costello

Vanessa Costello is a California native.  She grew up in Compton, California and moved to San Diego in 1994.  She has been married to Tony Costello for 31 years an...

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