health and wellness radio
Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home: Signs of a Covert Narcissist - Part 1

Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home: Signs of a Covert Narcissist - Part 1

  10/28/2022  12:30 pm PDT

Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home: Signs of a Covert Narcissist - Part 1You know there is a lot of chatter everywhere -friends, internet, churches, and movies all sharing their experiences with this type of personality.  I’m talking about a Covert Narcissist.  My guest and I will expose the traits and behaviors of a covert narcissist.  We’ll also discuss how being in a relationship with this person can harm you as well as share resources to help you along your path to heal. Join us Friday, October 28th 12:30pm PST on Facebook, Transformation Talk Radio.


Rosita M. Perez

Rosita M. Perez

I have spent decades of my life wearing various masks to be accepted, liked and even loved. Unknowingly I severed ties to the core of who I am. I muted my own voice so I cou...

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Katya Difani - Herban Wellness