health and wellness radio
Sacred Magic with Dr. Georgia Herrera & Dr. Sharon Martin: Two Doctors Bring In The Mystical & Sacred For Healing: Year of the Water Rabbit – Hope, Resilience and Prosperity.

Sacred Magic with Dr. Georgia Herrera & Dr. Sharon Martin: Two Doctors Bring In The Mystical & Sacred For Healing: Year of the Water Rabbit – Hope, Resilience and Prosperity.

  01/18/2023  07:00 am PST

Sacred Magic with Dr. Georgia Herrera & Dr. Sharon Martin: Two Doctors Bring In The Mystical & Sacred For Healing: Year of the Water Rabbit – Hope, Resilience and Prosperity.2023 is the year of the Water Rabbit. Predictions include hope, prosperity and the ability to handle all events (resilience). Drs Georgia and Sharon will offer teachings on how to anchor these energies of 2023. Call in for a free reading on your new year’s energies and how to maximize the energies of the Rabbit!


Dr. Georgia Herrera

Dr. Georgia Herrera

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