health and wellness radio
Silver Gaia Radio with Dr. Brie Gibbs - The Goddess Emergence:  The Lost Library of Alexandria, a channeled message from Mikos by Judy Cali

Silver Gaia Radio with Dr. Brie Gibbs - The Goddess Emergence: The Lost Library of Alexandria, a channeled message from Mikos by Judy Cali

  03/13/2017  11:00 am PDT

Hollow Earth has a Universal Library called The Library of Porthologos & the Head Librarians name is Mikos. (This Library is The Lost Library of Alexandria) We store our records on Telonium Plates. The living Library is located inside you, our portals lead to All Star Systems, our Water is alive with consciousness & talks, We live in Inner Earth Caverns - Humanity's New Home. Our Earth herself is a Crystal. A New Golden Age & the return to Christ Consciouness. You will continue to receive exciting and amazing information that inspires you & also assists you to realize that, Love is the Key & Peace is the Answer. Judy will Channel a message from Mikos. You will be opening new widows of opportunities by experiencing what The Telosians share with you in this call. Put your hand on your Heart and thank yourself for paying attention, following your guidance to join us in feeling the truth for you & knowing your divine Mastery is awakening perfectly.

You are the answer you have been looking for:



Dr. Brie Gibbs Ph.D.

The Goddess Emergence™ with Dr. Brie Gibbs, Ph.D. 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 2pm PT / 5pm ET Welcome to The Goddess Emergence™, a groundbreaking live-streaming v...

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 Judy  Cali

Judy Cali

Judy Cali has been doing Intuitive Healing work with The Ascended Masters & Angels since the age of 3.  She was asked by, Hilarion, the Ascended Master of Healing o...

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