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Spirit Fire Radio: Living Awareness Donna Mitchell-Moniak

Spirit Fire Radio: Living Awareness Donna Mitchell-Moniak

  12/23/2015  09:00 am PST

Spirit Fire Radio: Living Awareness Donna Mitchell-MoniakUltimately, the result of all meditation practices is an increase of awareness. This is called by many names: mindfulness, peace, detachment, wonder, compassion, wisdom, well-being. The Practice of Living Awareness is designed to bring forward the awareness that is innate in all of us. At this step, step 14, meditation has done its work. Life is now our Practice of Living Awareness.Learning to meditate requires time, effort, and dedication. More importantly, it requires the choice to give yourself something which only you can give – the gift of awareness. As that choice becomes forefront in your life, you become part of the energy that can change the world.

This week's show is dedicated to awareness. We will look back at the last 14 shows and discuss what Steve and Tim have become more aware of from the show's guests. In addition, Donna Mitchell-Moniak returns with a recent practitioner of meditation to discuss just how awareness is brought to the forefront through meditation.


Steve Kramer

Steve Kramer

Tune in with Spirit Fire Radio. Listen live every Wednesday @ 9am pacific / 12pm eastern.   Purposeful living, practical spirituality... they sound like concepts...

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 Donna Mitchell-Moniak

Donna Mitchell-Moniak

Spirit Fire Meditative Retreat Center’s Founder is Donna Mitchell-Moniak. She is an author, lecturer, teacher, and mother. Through the course of her spiritual and meditative...

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