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Spirit Fire Radio: Moving Beyond Duality with Dr. Dorothy Riddle

Spirit Fire Radio: Moving Beyond Duality with Dr. Dorothy Riddle

  06/15/2016  09:00 am PST

Spirit Fire Radio: Moving Beyond Duality with Dr. Dorothy RiddleThis week we are meditating on Step 2, Tip of the Nose, in The Practice of Living Awareness. As a tool, this step is designed to bring the practitioner’s attention to a point of focus. As the mind often drifts or follows a thought, it is helpful to remind practitioners, “bring your attention back to the tip of the nose.” We often discussed this step in terms of focus. This week we're going to talk about the effects of the step as opposed to the tool that creates the effects. The effect within the practice is that your world opens up to the dynamism of the breath. You begin to notice the usually not noticed. You become engaged, thus intrigued, by the present moment and all that it has to offer… instead of the thought that you were chasing that is most likely the same thought you’ve been chasing for a year!


Engagement in the present moment means there is no separation in your mind. Wouldn't a world beyond separation be sublime? This week we invited psychologist, social change specialist, and spiritual coach, Dr. Dorothy Riddle, to talk about her new book, Moving Beyond Duality. Much of her work centers on correcting the harmful effects of prejudice and visioning a world free of an "us vs them" mentality. To "notice the usually not noticed" is another should be a joyful act of discovery as opposed to a limiting act of judgement. Dr. Riddle, take us there!


Steve Kramer

Steve Kramer

Tune in with Spirit Fire Radio. Listen live every Wednesday @ 9am pacific / 12pm eastern.   Purposeful living, practical spirituality... they sound like concepts...

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Dr. Dorothy Riddle

Dr. Dorothy Riddle

Dr. Dorothy Riddle is a psychologist, social change specialist, and spiritual coach. She is Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the School for Esoteric Studies (with wh...

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