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Spirit Fire Radio: The Allure of Glamour

Spirit Fire Radio: The Allure of Glamour

  03/16/2016  09:00 am PST

Spirit Fire Radio: The Allure of GlamourHave you ever been pulled to the news stand in a trance... captivated by the beauties that grace the covers of each and every magazine? They are glamorous, and we all want some of what they've got! Or do we? Is it even real? Glamours are tricky business and we can all fall prey to them without even noticing. 

We have reached Step 7 of Practice of Living Awareness, Interlude. This is the halfway mark within the practice's 14 steps. By now you may have noticed that you've become comfortable using the tools that you've learned the far to achieve a state of being that we call shamata. 

Stephanie Urdang is a writer and an esoteric healer. She is sought out the world over as a master in her field. She integrates diverse techniques into one transformative practice. Here, she shares her wisdom about how you can achieve the natural beauty of wellness, from the inside out. 


Steve Kramer

Steve Kramer

Tune in with Spirit Fire Radio. Listen live every Wednesday @ 9am pacific / 12pm eastern.   Purposeful living, practical spirituality... they sound like concepts...

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 Stephanie Urdang

Stephanie Urdang

Stephanie Urdang, primarily an Esoteric Healer, is sought out the world over as a master in her field. She integrates diverse techniques into one transformative practice. H...

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