health and wellness radio
Tales from the Mer World with Ameera Beth: Exploring the Mysteries of Atlantis and Lemuria: The Sacred Geometry Of Atlantis

Tales from the Mer World with Ameera Beth: Exploring the Mysteries of Atlantis and Lemuria: The Sacred Geometry Of Atlantis

  04/23/2020  01:00 pm PDT

Tales from the Mer World with Ameera Beth: Exploring the Mysteries of Atlantis and Lemuria: The Sacred Geometry Of Atlantis The Great Kingdom of Atlantis was created through the template of Sacred Geometry. Every home, temple, parliment, garden and community space was created to host the energies assisting specific intention with Arch Angel ametatron as the primary Architect. 


In this episode Ameera Beth will offer:


*A simple explanation on the basics of Saced Geometry shapes and patterns. 

*An overview of what SG supported each structure or garden in Atlantis and why

*An introduction into Arch Angel Metatron and his role as the Architect of Atlantis

*A Meditation to activate Metatrons Cube into your energy field and integrate the aspects of your OverSoul Ascending within your current timeline. 

Episode giveaways:

  • Metatrons Cube Activation


Ameera Beth

Ameera Beth

Tales from the Mer World with Ameera Beth: Exploring the Mysteries of Atlantis and Lemuria   Tales From The Mer World radio is a blend of mythology, theology, ancient...

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